Help Check Out My Site

Last Update: January 05, 2011

Would any one have time to give my site a look over please?

No sales at all and not a lot of traffic as far as I can tell but suspect need more backlinks. A lot more articles to write yet. I have been trying to provide as much useful information on the site as I can but am I aiming at the right audience? Ary some of my keywords too ambitious? How does it look in general?

As well as the pages on the menu there are another 15 or so not showing up.

PM me if you have time and I will send you the link.

Many thanks in advance



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Fanciadance Premium
Hi Roger, I am from the UK too and up until recently I was living in Preston, Lancs. I moved over to Hong Kong about 3 months ago and have been involved heavily in internet marketing since March 2010. I make about $500 a month at the moment and am now looking to start another website. I have given STF some thought but am unsure about the competition levels. How long have you been promoting STF and have you made any sales yet?


morlandroger Premium
Ok I guess I will have to show all. :-)
the site is There are actually 18 pages and 12 or so posts. I have only shown a few on the menu. All posts and pages have backlinks in articles and social networking and bookmarking sites. Most cases all three. More articles on the way. Not as prolific as some but trying to get at least one aday out plus forum and blog postings. Roger
bkb2012 Premium
Can you show us the URL in a clear area? Then tell us where we should click so we're not missing your site. Chances are that you're doing all of the right things but you just have to keep on writing. It takes time to build and launch so don't give up. You'll get there! bkb2012...Barbara
morlandroger Premium
PMd Kyle and got some good advice back. Going to shift the privacy page into the footer and (as I already knew) keep on writing articles.Good to know that the whole thing is not a complete disaster. :-)
Labman_1 Premium
Which site are you wanting us to look at Roger?