WOW I beat the Author!

Last Update: May 13, 2010

I have just set up a website promoting a  cookery book on Amazon that accompanies a TV series running in the UK.  

No sales yet but it may have promise. One of my keywords now shows up at no 3 on google for an ezine article and not only that but it is ABOVE the authors own blog!  The only two entries higher are both for the TV company showing the programme.

Now I have to work out how to get the site to rank higher.


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morlandroger Premium
Thanks people
So my article features high and hopefully as I add more backlinks it has a chance of staying there. Now I have to work out how to convert that to sales.
I will pobably have to revamp the landing page and the SEO. to mke the sales page rank better.
jatdebeaune Premium
That's wonderful. Congrats!
DABK Premium
Louise M. Premium
awesome! :) keep up the good work!
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success Roger!