Posts by NEA03 9
March 31, 2011
Have you tried the Gmail Motion yet?  haha. What do you think about this?    
December 15, 2010
Okay I cannot believe this and I just had to share it. But EZA approved my article in, guess what? 7 MINUTES!!!!! At 4:21 I received the acknowledgment email, at 4:28 I received the "article accepted" email. I clicked on my article link and yup it's live. Has that ever happened to you guys? Cus it sure ain't ever happened to mua! Are they serious? I think they made a mistake or something, I don't know but I feel special hahaha!  -Irma :)
December 07, 2010
 The path to higher goals in life may not be smooth and clear. At times you may experience frustration or a tear.  You may endure a setback, lose momentum, tumble down. A former look of confidence may turn into a frown.  With any goal that's worth achieving strength of heart will matter. Nothing's ever handed out upon a silver platter.  Such a challenge draws upon the very best of you. Bringing into focus the objectives you pursue.  And if you have to reconsider how
1 comment
August 19, 2010
I guess I think too much about IM because last night I actually had a dream about it! hahahhahaha I never thought I'd be dreaming about article titles.  I woke up laughing.hehe Have you guys ever dreamed IM related things or am I the only? It's too funny  
July 23, 2010
I see many successful Internet Marketers say they wish they would've built a list sooner, even Kyle himself said so on the WA Blog post "The Pearl" he made a list of his biggest failures in IM and one of them was that he did not start email marketing earlier. Oh and the other day I read PPG's advice to someone on the forum, she said, "BUILD THAT LIST" I've been a member here over a year now but just started taking it seriously a few months ago and I find myself saying, "
MY EYES!  It's 1 am.and I'm still up, Analia is sound asleep so this is my time to work in peace without her wanting to climb up on the chair with me and bang on the keyboard.  I just finished typing up my first free report, yea I'm gonna try to build a list. wow. I figured out why one of my most recent articles wasnt getting any click-throughs. Man I feel so stupid, its cus I didn't even have a resource box!!! I remember when I wrote and sent in the article for a review I was super t
July 14, 2010
Unfortunately, I can't pay this months membership so I have to leave WA, how sad :( Unless I can get the money in the grace period WA provides, that would be nice because I hate the fact that I'll have to come back paying $100.00 UGH.... I was thinking about writing articles for cash but I suck, one of my most recent articles has 28 views and no clicks, WTH! I'll definitely come back though, this place is awesome. Until then, goodbye to all the wonderful people at WA! See you soon.  Irma&n
So I posted a for sale ad on Craigslist yesterday. A baby bouncer, today I received an email from someone interested. I thought cool. They said they hope I still have it. I replied yes, I still have it and to let me know when they could pick it up so we could agree on a place to meet up at. They responded: "Thank you for getting back with me I just want to make sure i am going to buy the same which i am looking for. I can't afford another mistake as i did in the past. Please check the vide
June 22, 2010
I'm not the type to have a blog, I like reading other people's blogs instead:) but I really need to let out my frustrations. I really want IM to work for me, as of now I'm trying to just write, write and write but with an 11 month old who is already walking it's really hard, I know all you moms understand. Today, I got to write just 1 article, and it's not even original, it's a rewrite. Every time I try to sit down and write I have to stop every minute "Analia, get away from there" &qu