Guess I Have To Go

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Unfortunately, I can't pay this months membership so I have to leave WA, how sad :(

Unless I can get the money in the grace period WA provides, that would be nice because I hate the fact that I'll have to come back paying $100.00 UGH....

I was thinking about writing articles for cash but I suck, one of my most recent articles has 28 views and no clicks, WTH!

I'll definitely come back though, this place is awesome. Until then, goodbye to all the wonderful people at WA! See you soon.  Irma 

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BradB Premium
Hey don't be bummed out.
Take what you have learned and get on it.

Bum methods are Free so use em.
You don't need WA or any other membership once you know how.

See ya later.
I had been kicked out of WA just this month to the point where I had to re subscribe. I was allowed to come back paying my original price. If something happens where you will wind up having to leave, talk to Kyle or Carson and tell them what's up. I think they will tell you that you will be fine with the price. None of my settings were affected either. As far as Survey Scout, I was on that in 2004. It used to cost $36. It's free now. You've got to watch out with just plugging in "free survey" in the search engines. It's very easy to wind up getting into some real bad sites. You will wind up with spam e-mail up the yin-yang. I've had good results with Survey Scout. I see you have kids! A great reason to check out doing surveys! With Survey Scout you do have to initially choose one of their sponsors but these are not those Neflix, $50 gas vouchers, ProjectPayday-type stuff. You will get a list of marketing research companies and from there you will be invited to surveys, some of which will pay pretty good - and in your case, you will most likely do quite well with this.

Give it a shot.
NEA03 Premium
Thanks for the suggestion Jayme. This morning I actually started doing offers on a GPT site that pays through paypal once you reach $5. So far I'm at $1.35 lol and I had $15. in my purse, only $23.65 to go!! I think I'll be able to get it through the GPT site in a few days or a bit more. I agree, where there is a will there is a way.
newwave1972 Premium
Just a suggestion but if you go on the paid survey sites you may be able to at least support you price of WA until you get money rolling in from your campaigns. They are all free to join though you will not make a ton of money you should be able to pay your WA bill with it so you do not have to rejoin and pay $100. Just a though because I am a firm believer in if there is a will there is a way. Good luck to you
SP1976 Premium
I am truly sorry to hear that, I am scared of that day too. I hope you come back and I hope I still here by then! Wish you loads of IM success!