Frustrated Mommy!

Last Update: June 22, 2010

I'm not the type to have a blog, I like reading other people's blogs instead:) but I really need to let out my frustrations.

I really want IM to work for me, as of now I'm trying to just write, write and write but with an 11 month old who is already walking it's really hard, I know all you moms understand.

Today, I got to write just 1 article, and it's not even original, it's a rewrite. Every time I try to sit down and write I have to stop every minute "Analia, get away from there" "Analia, get that out of your mouth" "Analia, did you just poop again?" and so on. ugh...

Finally she is asleep for the night, now I will try and stay up as long as I can and get some articles out. I really really wish I would've taken this more seriously before when she couldn't walk yet. Man I was dumb! DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!



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NEA03 Premium
Thanks everyone and I can't imagine how much harder it is for the moms with more than 1 child to look after. DABK, that really made me laugh about Bill Gates and the hot chicks :) LOL TOO FUNNY
DABK Premium
A bit now, a bit later, it all adds up. I, know, you want fast. Every one does. I'm betting Bill Gates has the one where he kicks himself for starting microsoft at 24, not at 16... All the hot chicks he'd have had had he been a rich nerdy teenager.

And no point in beating yourself up for what you could or should have done. If you could, really could, have done it, you'd have done it. It's not just about it's possible for someone to do it, it's about being in the right place mentally, emotionally... Possibilities you don't see are not possibilities even if 99% of the populations takes advantage of them.
maureenhannan Premium
Hey, I understand!!! I have four kids (all older now...between the ages of 10 and 21). How well I remember those days. Go easy on yourself. You are squeezing more into those nap hours than people without kids will ever understand. (And sometimes YOU just need a nap.) Easy to say, get some babysitting help...I know your budget may not allow that. But one of the best things I ever did for myself was hire a 16-year-old girl to help me out. There I was trying to finish grad school with a toddler pouring maple syrup on the bathroom floor and a 9-month-old early walker hitting my keyboard while I typed. The great thing is, she became like a part of the family--and my kids still talk about their fond memories of her. I felt that gave me the freedom to JUST WORK when it was time to work--and to be a better mom when I was with the kids. Good luck! ~ Maureen
Felio Premium
Can understand what you are going through. I've been through it before with my two children when they were young. Difficult to concentrate on tasks due to their distractions. On the positive note, most children are like angels when young.
Jamie Smith Premium
You are a great mom, please don't be so hard on yourself! Continue on your journey, as your busy schedule permits.