I SAID This Was Candy Coated!

Last Update: December 14, 2010

The Name "Net Neutrality"

The name is as misleading to the People in the States as the "Patriot Act" was!  Which is why after much research I put one email I kept getting named, "Save the Internet . com" on the Spam List.

People are becoming more and more aware that when the Federal Government in this Country takes steps it's usually NOT in the best interest of the People.  For those of you who don't follow political news or come back with a reply, "I don't do/discuss polotics", ....you better START paying attention now.

This Will Affect YOU and Your Business!

On December 20, President Obama will use the FCC to seize control of the Internet. If successful, the move could have a devastating impact on the U.S. economy, investments and innovation while squelching your freedom of speech!

President Obama and Elitist liberals want to seize control of the Internet and they don't want you, or your elected officials to have a say about it!

Knowing they don't have the votes in Congress, liberals are instead relying on the Federal Communications Commission to seize control of the Internet through what is called "Net Neutrality" -- a series of rules that would empower the federal government to regulate the Internet in the name of "freedom".

If You Haven't Been Following This...

Just a year ago, the Huffington Post's Joseph A. Palermo called on Obama to use the FCC to "lock in this advantage" and guarantee "progressive social change."

This was the liberal plan when Democrats controlled Congress.  But having lost power in the House, they are more desperate then ever to advance their progressive, socialist agenda, and are about to seize the last free-market frontier in the world -- the Internet...
Not surprisingly, little has been reported about the true nature of Net Neutrality. When the chairman announced to the media his draft rules memo, he did so saying, it would "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet."

The draft also included an official FCC "NONPUBLIC, internal use only" stamp to assure that no one outside the FCC sees the document until the rules are approved on December 21...

So much for freedom and openness!
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WRI Premium
Right on Joan !!!! That's what makes this entire wikileaks thing stink.. how convenient to help push an agenda like this.
I swear they want us to revolt they are desperate to remain in power they know e are feed up.. And martial law would be a slam dunk lock.
jatdebeaune Premium
When it comes to documents and new laws being considered that affect all of us, those things have to be transparent so that we can approve or object. Espionage matters should not be open to the public. They don't seem to get the difference. Isn't that convenient. I'm so fed up!
WRI Premium
Well know that surely makes one wonder about the wikileaks deal and that renegade group called anonymous perfect timing.. just another one of things that makes ya go HMMMM