Tips For New Members

Last Update: November 20, 2010

Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!


We are all one big, happy family here.  A community of People around the world after the same goal.  Finding that Freedom we always longed for.  To see a bit of the hard work we put in, day in and day out, ...where we will get credit for it.  In hopes to see income from the hard hours we work.  Not just fill the pockets for someone else.

It will take hard and dedicated work to be successful with this.  However, just like anything else we attempt that is new to us, ...who is guilty of making it hard on you?  ...Most of the Time.  If your answer was yourself, you are correct.  So remember that as you start walking through this adventure.

Setting goals for yourself is a great thing.  I'm convinced you have already done that because you joined us here.  While others around you may have told you it's not possible.  Nobody knows that person inside of you better than yourself.  Making that decision, "Oh yeah?  Well, I can do anything if I set my mind to it."  You have already taken the largest step.

 There are many things to learn here.  There are also many doors to choose from depending on what you want to look into or research at the moment.  That is fine.  No one expected you to learn a semester of school in one month.  No one expects it here either.  Don't forget the most important part about joining us here, ...there are no deadlines.

Take your time and absorb the things you are learning.  I know a lot of people are quick to jump into building a website.  WP Express is a great one to use and is available to you here.  Some may have built a website before while others haven't.  If you never have, ...take your time.  Remember it doesn't have to look like it came out the press room from some newspaper.

I'll share one with you that I put together.  It's very simple, no flashy picture here and there.  Yet I have made more sales from it than the others.  You can go see it by clicking here.  Look at it and see the simplicity of it.  The best thing is it's working.  So be easy on yourself when you are starting out.  Like anything else you will get better with time and practice.
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ChrisPB Premium
Hey Matt, This is a great blog post and the website is very impressive by it's simplicity!
I am inspired Well done and good luck
famousplumber Premium
I really like your site. I like them simple and not busy as well. So many sites are overloaded with :whiz-bangs". Thanks for sharing that. I find it affirming.
prinker Premium
Great post! We do need to remember there is a lot to learn and it does take time, but that's okay.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very nice site Matt. I like the simplicity. I like the focus. I can see why it's working. Agree, this is a community of great people.
WRI Premium
What great words of encouragement we should all take to heart. Well done Matt!
