Posts by Old Mizer 27
I'm bad about writing long posts and will do my best to keep this one short.   I've worked with people the majority of my adult life.  I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable person on any fact or topic.  It has always been a pleasure of mine to offer people suggestions or share some of the knowledge I have gained through life with them.  It's one of the most simplest things in life that I feel we don't do enough of.  Share the wisdom you've gained with others. 
January 07, 2011
How Many Things Do You Have Going at Once? Yeah... some of the Members here know I am a big one on philosophy and deep thinking.  I wanted to share some thoughts with the new members about approaching this adventure you chose to take on.  It's going to take hard work and focus to achieve your goals.  Just remember one thing in the middle of all of it.  Don't lose focus on the important aspects of life. The Little Things We Pass By, Needed Our Full Attention Too many people p
January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!   To WA and ALL the Individuals that make up this Great Website!   Are you aware that this first day in the New Year is a First? Unlike previous years, this is the FIRST(no pun intended) of four days in the year where all three numbers will match.  Being the same number in the three character digits used. The last was one was on 9/9/99 ... and the same took place 11 years previous to it.  This year will have Four Days that have the same number in the day's da
December 16, 2010
I found an old time Favorite. Let's watch it and enjoy it in honor of the Lame Ducks in Session!Bugs Bunny - Rabbit Fire (click Full Screen button \ / below) <iframe src="" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; width: 448px; height: 80px" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" s
December 14, 2010
The Name "Net Neutrality" The name is as misleading to the People in the States as the "Patriot Act" was!  Which is why after much research I put one email I kept getting named, "Save the Internet . com" on the Spam List. People are becoming more and more aware that when the Federal Government in this Country takes steps it's usually NOT in the best interest of the People.  For those of you who don't follow political news or come back with a reply, "I
November 29, 2010
While the Senate debates the bill along with suggest amendments to sugar coat is saying they will ban all earmarks and pork barrels.  Which can be watched at the time of this posting by clicking here now. A vote on S.510 will be taken by the Senate at 6:30pm ET on 11-29 and a final vote will be taken at 9:00am ET on 11-30 during the session of the Senate on Tuesday. If S.510 passes, you could be arrested for a felony for planting any food crop in the garden/s on your property.  They d
November 17, 2010
The Senate Was Suppose to Vote on Senate Bill S.510 today.  Which means you will lose more of your rights as a citizen as the dictatorship becomes stronger.  If you are not familiar with it, here's just a tip of the iceburg to come. Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called “the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America.” It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public’s right to grow, trade and transport a
November 10, 2010
God Bless Those Serving in Uniform God Bless the Souls of Those Who Served and Are No Longer With Us
November 09, 2010
You would get a different answer from every person you asked.  As individuals we are all unique from each other.  I'm sure the answer would have a lot to do with which generation you are associated with in this lifetime. I'm sure I am older than many members on this site.  So the Father that was a big part of my life is only a memory now.  One thing I remember most is the line posted in my signature of the Forum.  He told me that on a constant basis. Reminding me that an
October 24, 2010
Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate!   We are all one big, happy family here.  A community of People around the world after the same goal.  Finding that Freedom we always longed for.  To see a bit of the hard work we put in, day in and day out, ...where we will get credit for it.  In hopes to see income from the hard hours we work.  Not just fill the pockets for someone else. It will take hard and dedicated work to be successful with this.  However, just like anythi