Wisdom for the Weekend

Last Update: June 12, 2010

I have been here a little over 7 weeks now and have learned a lot of things during that time.  The most important lesson I learned didn't come from anything WA had on their site here.  It hit me when I was replying to a post in the Forum a couple of weeks ago which had to do with keyword tools and the inconsistency between all of them that are available.

I have seen a lot of threads about keywords and how the numbers differ from the many research tools available out there.  I think it is a good idea to have some guidelines to go by in reference to numbers.  In my opinion, I feel that spending eighty percent of your time looking for that perfect keyword is going to get nothing accomplished.  As for the "perfect keyword", I think we all know that doesn't exist.

After reading a few replies in the next hour or so, ...if finally hit me.  I had just answered the question I kept asking myyself, ..."What is defeating me??"

I wanted to have everything setup perfectly because I have always been an individual who is organized.  Let's get registered on this site and that one.  Oooops!  There's another site I missed.  Let's register there.  You know what?  Here is another site that will probably be helpful.  Let's get that one too.  OH!  Look here on the homepage.  A new program called, "WA Blog and Funnel System."  Let's go check that out and get that set up.  Looking at the clock.  Sheeesh!  It's midnight already?  Where does the day go?

After replying to the post about keyword tool numbers and spending the whole day doing what I mentioned above, it hit me.  I answered the question to my own problem.  It was just a little different.  So see if this analogy makes any sense.

e.g.  I have made a decision to buy this piece of property and build a house on it for the wife and kids. The blueprints are done and it's time to start preparing for the big task ahead of me.  I'm going to need a lot of things to get this accomplished.

So I go out and buy some 2x4s and bags of cement for the foundation. In fact, while I'm there I get a whole truck load of 2x4s.  'Cause, you know, ...I'll need 2x4s to construct the walls and the frame for the roof.  Let's just fill up the truck.  

The next day I go back to buy a few more bags of cement because I didn't have enough.  Well, it's Saturday and they are having a weekend Sale.  Many of the items are reduced 25 to 50% off.  Ya know, while I'm here let's get some insulation.  Plus, ...while I'm at it, let's get some dry wall, nails, plywood for the roof, some tar paper and the shingles I'll need. They are also having a good sale on plumbing pipe, doors and paint.  Hey!  Who can beat these prices?

When I get back to the property it hit me, I realized I have no where to keep all this stuff.  The worst part is they say the weather is going to change next week and will probably bring us a few days of rain.  "Good Lord.  Now what am I going to do with all this material I bought??

That's when it finally hit me!  Concentrate on one step at a time and quit trying to prepare for everything at once. Get the damn foundation built first and concentrate on nothing else until it is done.  After you get the foundation finished, you will be set up to move on to the next step.  Like using that truck full of 2x4s to set up the frames for the walls and get that put together.  While I still have shingles and rolls of tar paper sitting there.  Who knows how long it will be before I get to that?  The roof is a long way down the road.

Get your foundation set first.  Roll a couple of campaigns out so you get the feel for it and know the motions to go through.  Then you can set a campaign up without having to reference.  ..."Okay, that's done.  Now what do I do?"  Going back to page 2  "Let's see here...."

Get that foundation set and get the feel for the process so you can go through the steps without having to fumble through the pages.  "What do I look for next?"  I think that is what frustrates people the most and that is when they feel overwhelmed.

Kyle replied to me and explained it with two words. 

He said, "It's called Over Prep."

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Old Mizer Premium
HEEhe! I love it! Analysis Paralysis... that is one I've never heard, ...but hits the nail on the head.
xploringsuccess Premium
Over prep combined with analysis paralysis is a recipe for gettin' nothin' done.
Sherion Premium
Very interesting. I am a newbie. Just 2 weeks here. I may even be something new like a premie-newbie. Anyways, I am taking this one step at a time. I am going to do just what you and some others have mentioned and that is more or less to get that foundation first. This blog was very inspiring to me. Thank you.
Old Mizer Premium
*snickering* ltns Joan. How are ya? I suppose that was a pun to the analogy I gave? "You nailed it." hehe... I really think that is what was defeating me. So I told myself one Sunday, "This is how we are going to do it. I am going to get one campaign out there every week. That will give me 5 days to get it done." Finding a niche, looking up keywords, the numbers associated with them and go from there. Then get the landing page done. Proof read it over and over. Change the errors and see if there is any part you want to change a little. Last, but not least, ...get the articles written and done by Thursday. That will give a day or so to get them approved and online just in time for all that weekend traffic. It's worked well and I think I will stick to it. Hope you are doing well.
jatdebeaune Premium
Who opened the window and let the fresh air in? Bravo That's it!!! That's been vexing me too. The key word issue especially. You buy all these tools, add them to the free tools. They all tell you something different. So, would the real keyword genie please stand up? I'm relying now on the WA tool and article power. Word from PotPieGirl is "article power" for article marketing. Thank you Matt. You nailed it.