Posts by OneProsperity 18
I have some sites for sale which I have posted in the jobs section. INTERNETMARKETERBLURB.COM INTERNETMARKETERHUB.COM INTERNETMARKETERSHUB.COM Please PM me if you have any interest. Quick sale wanted so open to all offers.
I am at Moggill, Queensland, we ( my husband Jared and Liam 5 and Jack 2) were really lucky (blessed) to be on dry land. I have been volunteering at the local church  but thought my internet marketing friends and contacts may be able to help more. I only want to raise funds for queensland (apparently 75% of queensland is affected), who knows it might be the internet marketing  community that I am a part of that will help us.  I am still learning with internet marketing but I cer
To show my commitment this time I just purchased the Article Marketing & SEO Accreditation Course, whew!  Looking forward to finally getting over my article writing fears once and for all!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone else is just starting this Course, it would be good to have someone to chat to about it. All the best.
October 06, 2010
My goal is to produce passive income, but it certainly isn't passive, definately not passive to start with anyway.  There is a lot of work to be done. I now have more time at home to work on my internet projects, so expect to see me around more. Looking forward to continue learning and producing results within the WA community. Expect good things!!!  
August 28, 2010
I haven't blogged in such a long time.  I was getting side-tracked and not getting very far.  Something was missing... I didn't truly believe that I could make it work. I am back, and learning from the best.  I know this can be my reality too, passive income and helping others in the WA community. Expect good things. 
I haven't been blogging much, doing lots of work though.  Plan to get some friends for my first WA Sale :)  
1 comment
May 26, 2010
I got my first WA sale today, from one of my good friends, it is great to share this fabulous community.  Onwards and Upwards from here. :)    
I just had an awful experience. I received an email this morning that someone tried to reset my password to my site on Wordpress, happened about 2am, it wasn't me. :| I then tried to log onto my wordpress site and it just wasn't working, this went on for 10 minutes but then it did finally work - phew! But it has been a lesson to me, I haven't made a backup, what if everything had been lost..?????  All that work!!!  Should I be flattered that someone is trying to hack my site? What woul
Wow I just thought I would do a Google search now for my keywords since doing the work with Wordpress. Yay I am number 5. What a buzz!!  Hopefully some sales will result!!  Will keep you posted, back to work!  
I found this solution for when you have two Home Pages on Wordpress. I am using "Colourful Paint" theme. I knew I had to delete HTML from the main template but wasn't sure what or where...?? I found this on Wordpress Forum. Try editing header.php.  You need to look for, and delete:   PM me or look on our Forum.  I tried to Cut and paste the codes in, but it is not working for some reason and I don't want to type it in wrong.  Hyperlink not working either.   &nb