Solution to two Home pages on Wordpress

Last Update: May 23, 2010

I found this solution for when you have two Home Pages on Wordpress.

I am using "Colourful Paint" theme.

I knew I had to delete HTML from the main template but wasn't sure what or where...?? I found this on Wordpress Forum.

Try editing header.php.  You need to look for, and delete:


PM me or look on our Forum.  I tried to Cut and paste the codes in, but it is not working for some reason and I don't want to type it in wrong.  Hyperlink not working either.





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OneProsperity Premium
Thanks for the input :)
JaredB Premium
Be sure to copy the original code into notepad before you alter it. That's a great insurance policy!
magistudio Premium
Oops me too!

It's line 68 in the header php code
magistudio Premium
Look for the following in that templates header.php and remove it: