Jumping In - going to do the AM accreditation...

Last Update: October 06, 2010

To show my commitment this time I just purchased the Article Marketing & SEO Accreditation Course, whew!  Looking forward to finally getting over my article writing fears once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone else is just starting this Course, it would be good to have someone to chat to about it.

All the best.

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erussell Premium
Labman is right, I think.

I think when they said it's available, they meant it's available to purchase only for platinum members. You should clarify that on the official thread discussing the new changes.
Labman_1 Premium
From the WA e-mail that I received
This does say that AM and PPC are a Platinum bonus. Doesn't say they will be free: See below

Here is the difference between the offerings (PLATINUM versus GOLD):

* Web Hosting (unlimited domains versus 3 domains)
* WP Express (unlimited installs versus 3 installs)
* Keyword Tool (unlimited searches versus 100)
* Niche Q Reports (only available to platinum memberships, one per month)
* PPC Accreditation & AM Accreditation bonus (only available to platinum)
* plus new features that will be coming that are PLATINUM ONLY
OneProsperity Premium
Oh No you are right. Can't believe I missed that in the email. I wonder if they do refunds....????!!!! Aaarrrgghhh! Do you think earlier members would then get it for free?
Fallulah Premium
I'd like to do the AM course but I'm committed to absolutely no more credit card debt at the moment [lol]! I thought I read yesterday that it was going to be included within the platinum membership when the price plan changes? Must go have a look at that again. Good Luck wth it OneProsperity and I hope you get a buddy to work alongside. I think that'd be fun :)