About Duley
Joined June 2010
Hello all,

My name is Andrew and this is my wife Vanessa, we live all the way up here in Anchorage, Alaska. I am very excited about joining WA as I think I will learn a ton of valuable information. Although it seems like there is so much I will never be able to learn it all.

I have dabbled around with making some web-sites, nothing major at all though, and I think I am getting the idea of what affiliate marking is about. A few months ago I really got interested in the idea of making a living online. And would love nothing more than to succeed at this. I work outside loading planes for UPS and it takes its toll on your body.

Also I love guitars and drums and anything to do with music. Well some styles not as much as others hehe. Hope to start learning and getting to know everybody.
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Shaselle Premium
Hi and welcome to WA. You've come to the right place!
babyboomer20 Premium
Hi Andrew, Hi there, A very warm Welcome to you. Congratulations on taking another step to "Owning Your Life". Wishing YOU All the Best in your LEARNING to EARN!! Would it be OK if I added you to my Buddy List? I'd like to be your friend... Please feel free to add me. Marty : )
Paso-love Premium
I love seeing your dogs. They look very hugable and you look very happy. Must not be too cold. :-)
Paso-love Premium
Love to have Alaskan buddies. Don't worry about talking too much, I love to read too.
We're south of Cedar Key, if you know where that is. Hernando County, West Central Florida.
Paso-love Premium
Hi, Nice to meet people from Alaska. The most I know about it is from Dana Stabanow's books and friends who went to see Danali. They brought me a tee shirt. ;-) I'm from Florida. Pretty different, plus now we have oil. Ha!
Duley Premium
Yes Denali is a very nice place, although I am still mad about not seeing any bears while I was there lol. Actually I have been to Florida a few times. Around the Fort Walton Beach area. I hope I spelled that right. And I am really sorry to hear about all that oil it is just awful I think. It is kind of funny because I was born in Alaska and when my mother remarried, her new husband was from Florida and so was his son. And his name was Andrew as well and we are only 6 weeks different in age. Hehe sorry I think I am talking too much. Hope you don't mind if I put you on my buddy list?
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Duley Premium
Thanks for the welcome, gonna be checking around the site on my phone from time to time while at work.