A Big Thank You!!

Last Update: November 16, 2010

Hi guys,

Well, I'm in a different place emotionally now that I've had so much incredible encouragement from my WA pals!! I thank each and every one of you for all you kind words of inspiration. They have definitely helped me put my head back on straight!! So many things that were said were so true of what I was going through.

As a newbie, I'm struggling for that first sale. My head has been very "cluttered" and if you've read any of my other blog posts you will know that I need structure in my life or else CHAOS! So I figured out what was missing. ORGANIZATION!! After reading all the response posts I've come to a few conclusions:

I'm afraid to succeed

I'm afraid to fail

I'm afraid to quit

I'm afraid to stay (seeing a pattern yet?)

One of my biggest problems was that I didn't know where to start. The reason for that is because I failed to ORGANIZE myself in a way that works for me. I need stuff written down! I need stuff procedures!! I need stuff in categories! I need stuff all in one place! 

So I bought a binder with dividers and divided it up into sections: article marketing notes, how to find a niche, how to use Clickbank, etc. I'm embarrassed to say this but I'm actually a qualified trainer!! You would think I would know better, right? Ugh! So this will play right into getting focused. Another downfall of mine.  I loved the idea of setting an egg timer! You guys have great ideas!  

One thing that has definitely helped is the old adage "ask and you shall receive." I've poured my heart out here and have had incredible encouragement so if anyone else is feeling like jumping ship, share your story with the rest of us. The people here at WA are the most supportive bunch I've ever run across! You guys are awesome!

So now the world of internet marketing is not looking so bleak and dark anymore because I am now getting ORGANIZED and FOCUSED!! Ahhhhhhh! Feels fabulous! Watch this space! I'll be posting a success story soon!!

Thanks again for a great kick in the pants!!


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Jamie Smith Premium
We are VERY blessed to have some of the best in the marketing business within the WA family worldwide! Great to have you in the family. Always keep moving forward and enjoy your career.
Glad to hear you've overcome a hurdle. All the best with the organization. I certainly struggle with that. I do stand by what I said in my comment to your last post: get into the next WA article marketing club. It will really help. You'll see what I mean once you start completing the daily task emails you get every morning.
Sherion Premium
There is a tutorial here in WA it is by "thesue" and it is called Newbie Avoid Getting Overwhelmed With Creative Organization. It really is a good tutorial and I came across it when I first started here. I hope it helps you further. Best Of Wishes.