What I've learned so far

Last Update: September 19, 2010

This entry is to remind myself and perhaps help any newbies along the way of what I've learned so far at WA. There have been many things but what I want to focus on is time management! I can't tell you how many hours have slipped away while surfing WA and other sites. So I make this entry to remind myself to always be mindful of my time and to perhaps compartmentalize it whenever possible. Otherwise,  I lose so much time! Then I ask myself, what have I learned? Has my time been productive? If I can't answer these questions then I need to work harder on my time management and focus on spending time on WA more productively!! So I'm signing off right now because I actually have a ton of stuff that needs my attention and unfortunately none of it is IM or WA related. :( Til next time......

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