Nuts and Bolts of a Newbie

Last Update: October 22, 2010

I've been a member at WA for just over 2 months now. When I first joined up, I cruised the website and was very excited to see all the information! The forum, the training, reading all the posts, doing tasks, etc. All very exciting stuff. Then it happened. I swore it wouldn't happen but it did. I read about it and said to myself, "nah, that won't happen to me." But it did. I got....dare I say it....overwhelmed. There. I said it. There was just so much information, I didn't know where to start. So I started with the 8-week training. Then I got pulled into the forum. Checking out the success stories, reading about article writing, and using different tools. What a blast, right? Really gets you motivated, right?

Then one day I logged in and literally didn't know where to start. So I had to ask myself, "how far have you gotten so far?" Answer: not very far. Reason: Lack of focus.

So rather than try to figure out where I was, I just started all over again. May not be the best plan for you but do you actually have a plan? I really didn't. I don't know about you but I work very well in a structured environment and without structure, there is chaos. That's how I see it anyway. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a nut. My house doesn't look like it has a lot of "structure." I don't adhere to a hard and fast schedule but this is the point. When it comes to WA, you need to have a plan, structure and a schedule. So maybe try this:

1. Commit to a certain amount of time per day that you will do your WA training.

2. Schedule the time to work on the WA training.

3. Set goals to complete tasks such as setting up a WordPress blog or writing an article.

4. Make sure you take notes. That was a big downfall of mine. I have absorbed the concepts of IM a lot better now that I've been taking notes. 

5. Actually keep track of the time you are spending on your training and you will be more productive that way.

Something starts to happen in your head. At least it did for me. I'd reach a certain point and say, "oh my God! I can't write an article!" Why can't I write an article? I've been writing for years! It's just the word--article that threw me off. So I just started typing--free flowing thought. I kept typing until I couldn't think of anything else to say and wa-la! I had my first article! Ok, yeah, it needs to be tweaked. But I broke through the barrier! I faced my fear!  

The most important thing I've learned here so far is to TAKE ACTION. I think Carson said that too. You can cruise this site forever and gleen a lot of information but if you don't put it into action, what good is it? So what am I going to do about it? To quote a book title, "Face Your Fear and Do it Anyway!"


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erussell Premium
You've made some great points here. I can personally relate to #4. Once I took notes, and established some sort of plan, I started seeing results.
WRI Premium
Nice post. Your right overcoming fear is like the Nike logo says " Just Do It"
WRI Premium
Nice post. Your right overcoming fear is like the Nike logo says " Just Do It"
Labman_1 Premium
I haven't had that experience of fear. Overwhelmed, Yup been there.
Go back to the beginning. Well, I never found it necessary to start at the very beginning but I have read about 300 tutorials over several times. Each time I get more out of them. ( I could'a sworn I did that before how come it seems like new stuff this time.) So now I'm buckling down and writing the nefarious articles. I expect that by the time I have a few under my belt they won't seem so difficult. EZ Platinum here I come. Now to figure out how to spin them and get the 50 or so submissions from each article.
famousplumber Premium
Well said! My first blog post here at WA was about overcoming my fear. It can be stifling, if allowed. Thank you for sharing!