About Reachwash
Joined April 2009
Mike Smith from just outside London UK here, introducing, saying Hi, glad to be here, and look forward to getting to know some of you. Just finished week one, opened new account with adwords after geeting a slapped, I feel like I am fishing with all the right equipment but either in the wrong pond or the fish are at the other end. I really like the community feel here, I it feels a releif to be in the right place.
I like PHOTOGRAPHY, used to paint but do not have the time anymore, I read the Bible everyday and have a fairly good grasp of the scriptures, applying it, well thats a different story, I have a couple of kids (see pic) have a commercial cleaning business www.window-cleaner.ws and I read alot, spend far to much time on the net.
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ukrich Premium
Hi Mike,
just took a look at your site, looks really cool, I've been here less than a week and hav'nt got anything going yet, but can't wait to start putting things together, I have to follow the 8 week plan and study the modules to build my knowledge a little first, good to see someone else from the UK
reachwash Premium
Hello Rich, I find this site facsinating, I read the article how to set up a adwords account properley and have a good quality score, I have always hoped for the best with adwords before and getting a slap of £5 a click, but not now, and the article about seo, blogging and pingomatic, really good fun to see everything work, but its a business not a get rich quick so its a slow steady build. Well done for joining and keep in touch.
All the best Mike
xangoman Premium
Hi Mike just joined on Sunday! Trying to get a feel for all of this. All of this jargon is overwelming me! I still think SPAM is a tasty byproduct of pork renderings in a can!
xangoman Premium
I signed up for the ez2x2 and It was that system that convinced me i need this one! Up line very vrsed in internet marketing.. but no time to share like WA. I am having success with it. Most prospects are skeptical because of only $7. Well yes it is only seven dollars, and yes, all you need to do is have 6 in your matrix, anf yes there are aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaALOT of members that are cycling on a daily, and hourly basis. It cannot be any easier than $7. Great support! launched in Februasry of 09 Almost EVERYONE HAS $7 to start
xangoman Premium
Mike how are you doin on your 1st lesson?
xangoman Premium
yes my initials are BM
reachwash Premium
Hello Xangoman is that your real name? Remember spam spam lovely spam! I guess thats what we will be doing a little of at some stage. Now this is a little weird because I notice you have gone for the $7 2x2 any good? I was looking at it this very second!! Stranger than strange.
reachwash Premium
Hi Matey hows your day? I have signed up tp EZ 2x2 I have the pre sell vids on 4 TE'S and sent out a bunch of ad's, also I have signed up under Bill and Im going to use his follow up letters and freebies as an incentive, so here's to happy fishing, Speak soon.
reachwash Premium
Hi matey OK Im a bit preoccupied with promoting EZ 2x2 at the moment, so I will come back and get on with the 8 weeks later, I left off half way through week 2. How are you doing?
reachwash Premium
Are youur initials BM?
renmark Premium
I just visited your site this morning and was amazed at the simplicity of your design. Tell me is any one of these sites related to GDI? Have you heard of the at all and what is your opinion of them?

Thanks in advance,

reachwash Premium
Hi Renmark I started putting the site together 2 days ago, and just finnishing and tweaking it. Ive stared SEO on the site as well. Im glad you noticed the simplicity of the design, my aim is to make it look laid back, not in your face, no hype, as a reference site almost, of course all the links have my code which goes without saying. I have had 200 visits, and the counter I imported from my window cleaning site www.window-cleaner.ws so that it does not look new. I am a member of GDI hence the ws sites but have not promoted them yet, may put a link on the site. Hows it going with you?
Steven.P Premium
Nice to meet you welcome to wealthy affiliate
Steven.P Premium
For me the secrets are all here, its just a matter of reading and applying. The Hardest part is getting over the reading and the applying. When you free yourself of those problems making money through wealthy affiliate becomes not only easy but fun because you know exactly where your sales are coming from! hope this helps
reachwash Premium
Hi Travis thanks for your welcome, Im a bit laid back as well, nothing wrong with that. It looks like your motors are running already, share your secrets with me and I can copy you :)) Thanks Mike
kamaltaduri Premium
Welcome to WA. You made a rite choice. I am making good money promoting some top rated residual income systems under 1 single URL. If you are serious in making money online, I can send you the info. Its free to join. Thanks
reachwash Premium
Hi Kamal Yes that would be cool, really need a push, it all seems like an up hill ride, big learning curves, and cant wait to get to the top. Please send me your links.
Regards Mike