About Renmark
Joined April 2009
Hey everyone!
I am Marquis Gittens (renmark) from the Caribbean twin islands of Trinidad & Tobago.

Thanks again,
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Curtisnh Premium
Hi Marquis: Welcome from the US..Trinidad and Tobago are very cool islands. Glad to you have in WA with us. Curtis
MrAlaska Premium
WoW very interesting. Welcome to WA!
Kirst Premium
Welcome to WA
This is AN AWESOME place to be
Hope you are finding your way around
The HELP button on the left in the BLUE menu bar is especially for getting definitions of new lingo
The SHARE ZONE has some brilliant tutorials so you wont have to go searching around for HELP beyond WA.(its in a TAB at the top of your WA page)
Check out the sticky post in the forum in GENERAL MARKETING SECTION, titled New Members FAQs - its the best post and soo hopeful for as you go along. It will answer MANY questions before you have to ask them on the forum
To reply to any space comment, just click the persons picture. (that took me a while to figure out!)
If you get lost in the 8 week program - never mind - we all do! But stick with it!
all the best and have fun
p.s to know if people are replying to your posts in the forum, make sure you click the box that says NOTIFY ME IF ANYONE REPLIES TO THIS TOPIC and if you find a POST that is really helping you then BOOKMARK it or SUBSCRIBE to it. you can always delete this from your control panel above when you dont want them anymore.
byeee and GOOD LUCK
renmark Premium
All righty then, thanks for the heads up.
Judi Premium
Hello Renmark

It is great to meet a fellow Trini. I was looking up kpfingaz's profile as I have not been here in awhile. I saw your posting...I wish you all the best in your online adventure.

I am not where I would like to be yet...but getting there through the help of lots of friends online...but if you not sure of anything...just give me a shout..If I do not know the answer I can find it for you for sure.
Once again...all the best
Judi Premium
Hello Renmark
WA is a great place to be for starting out. I have learnt many things here and form a great network on my journey. I have a couple blogs and can build a squidoo lens. i had a couple sales as well. I am not into ppc but more article marketing.

I am also in GDI - my sponsor is from Canada and we talk weekly on skype, The thing with GDI is to keep it simple...and I found a free system to add invites in your back office. You are welcome to contact me to toss around some ideas. If I am not sure...I can ask my friends. I have a friend in India who is into Seo and article marketing and another from Bangladesh who is helping me build websites and blogs.

Keep learning...but most of all at some point you need to practice what you learned.
If you want you can add me on msn at ciscoice@hotmail.com. I have had a lot of help when I was starting out...so I would more than happy to help you where I can
All the best
PS I look at the news selectively only to know what is going on..there is too much negativity already... I can spend hours looking at the news...I rather read a book or watch a movie to make me laugh...Not that I do not care...but my spirit is needed to touch someone today so that it will bring some joy to that person. I rather try to change the country one person at a time with positive vibrations
renmark Premium
I have been meaning to reply for the longest while, finally I found the time. I am mostly gathering info on a subject that's new to me before trying the practical. How is WA working for you? I try not look at our local news so as to stay positive, I think this is key to success in this and any venture a person undertakes.