Customers in my Inbox!

Last Update: January 15, 2010

Gotta just love checking email in the mornings. Some night I want to go to sleep early (sounds like Xmas eve) just so I can get as many hours away from the computer (which isn't much) - and let the emails build up.

Here's what I love waking up to, in order :)

 1. Money - gotta love PayPal receipts for $20 here and $47 there

2. New Affiliates confirmations - everytime someone signs up for BackLink Agent or YahooAnswerAlerts - I get an email. I love to make new friendships and help these people achieve their goals!

3. Yahoo Answer Questions that pertain to my niche keywords - I probably get 10 emails by morning for recent questions that match many of my niche keywords. Then I can whip up a few articles on my blogs, and post answers to the questions - and build backlinks to my blogs!

All in a days work!

Here's to your success!


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olsonrc50 Premium
Gotta love it!
I have never used yahoo answers so this is great advice. coming up with content for articles is my weakest liability I think.
I have never used yahoo answers so this is great advice. coming up with content for articles is my weakest liability I think.