Last Update: December 09, 2009

I've recently launched a new web tool, similar to BackLink Agent, called

YHA allows you to set up searches for specific question words for Yahoo Answers. YHA watches Yahoo Answers throughout the day and emails (or text messages) you when matching questions have been asked.
Now you can be first in line to answer the asker's question!
You can set up as many search words as you want for all your niches. You only get emailed when a new question has been asked. It's so much fun to get speedy updates about new questions I'm interested in. I just click the link in the email and I'm at the question on Yahoo Answers and post my answer!

Learn more about here
Try for $1 for 7 days

p.s: Affiliate program paying 50% in now live!

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Garrd Premium
I re tweeted and I joined your affiliate program do you have any advertisement material
magistudio Premium
Nice work.. Just tweeted about it.

Notice you're from Victoria BC'ite, cool - me too.