About Robbied
Joined June 2008
Hello and Welcome!

My name is Rob. I live in Victoria, BC with my new wife and 2 young daughters.

I've been involved with the Internet and computers for the last 10 years - and I've finally made the decision to make some money at it :) I've run my own IT company developing web sites, web systems and the such - but want to take it to the next level and become and Internet Marketer. Work smarter, not harder!

Hi Carson! (we met a number of years ago for coffee regarding work). When I met Carson, I was struck by his professionalism for being so young (not that I'm that old).

Carson mentioned WA to me and I received a newsletter after signing up - but wasn't in the right space to make anything of it. Now I am!

I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all!

Thought I'd post some goals for WA here - 'public affirmation' - put it out there so others know, and I will strive my hardest to make it happen.

WA Month 1 (Jun): $25 - did it!
WA Month: 2 (Jul): $100 - double did it!
WA Month 3 (Aug): $250 - did it!
WA Month 4 (Sep): $1000! Woo hoo
WA Month 5 (Oct): $700 - rock on!
WA Month 6 (Nov): $500
WA Month 7 (Dec): $500
WA Month 8 (Jan): $500
WA Month 9 (Feb): $800
WA Month 10(mar): $400*
* waiting on some commission to clear

and post 5 articles a week to my site or to blogs out there.
- Rob
Robbied's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Dennis Premium
Hey rob you are such an inspiration to us, we surely would like to get to where you are and u to advance more further from where you currently are. success. otherwise the decision to make money at what you do best is absolutely genious.
Dennis Premium
Hey there robbie nice work with your contribution within W.A you surely deserve a gold from me.Feel free to return the favour
robbied Premium
Hi Dennis

Thanks for the kind words! I loved "Think and Grow Rich" - read it when I was 19, 25, 30 and just this year at 35. Such a cool book.
- Rob
robbied Premium
Hi Dennis, wishing you all the best at WA!
- Rob
Bigman Premium
Hi Rob, it's good to see that you have set yourself goals. This I have found to be very important and it helps to keep you focused.
robbied Premium

Let's see your goals! Be modest, don't set them too high, but make them SMART


Take Care
- Rob
Alaskan Premium
I just want to thank you for replying to my post..........you appear to already have lots of experience at this game......... I especially liked your comment about cutting the cord at the internet's birth. Here's to your continued success.
robbied Premium
Heya, anytime - I want success for everyone I meet. Always willing to help. Keep me posted on your success :)
- Rob
gkygrl Premium
Hi Rob,

Just wanted to say hello and add you to my buddy list. Great goals -- keep at it!

robbied Premium
Heya, thanks for the kind words. Have fun and keep at it! Post some goals and share your successes with us
- Rob
kyle Premium
Sweet Videos Rob! Nice Work.
robbied Premium
Hi Kyle,

I'm honored you graced my space with your comments :) Awesome work here for WA! You and Carson have really made an awesome community. And the information is absolutely insane! So much, and it's good!

- Rob