Already Learned Something New

Last Update: January 05, 2011

I had to write this post as I'm really fired up about this concept as an article marketer. I'm sure you have all heard of spinning. I wasn't a fan of it as it involved taking content already in existence and spinning to reword it to an acceptable uniqueness level. The stuff that can get you suspended if your caught from the like of ezine articles. So I've stayed away from it.

 Until now...

 The concept that I use is to take the syntax and as I create the article for ezine I put the content together in syntax style. If you don't know what that is it's the style of content creation for the articles so an article headline would be

Training Preparation for Future Marathon Competition

 That's just a copy / paste straight from the first page at ezine.

 If I wrote that using syntax I would do { to open and } to close with the pipe key | to seperate the different words for each. Here's how it would look...

(Training|Coaching|Instructional} {Preparation|Foresights|To Get Ready} {For The|For||To Take} {Future|Upcoming|Forthcoming} {Marathon|Writing Endurance} (Competition|Contention|Event} 

 I just run that quickly using words from thesaurus. To make sense of it you need to spin it using software. I use best spinner but there's a site called that will translate it for free. Don't know if rapid writer has the capabilities for it. Not tried. Anyway since I've just started this 2 days ago let me plug that phrase in and see what it spits out.

Lets see what happens...

Training Preparation For The Forthcoming Writing Endurance Event


Now what I do is plug the 2 of them into the free duplicate content checker...Dupefreepro...

100% unique. I leave the settings to 4 word count match. If it's dropped to 3 words the first 3 words would hit the filter. "training preparation for"That's still a 50% uniqueness score.

Here's another one 

Coaching Preparation For Future Writing Endurance Competition

Same uniqueness score..

Now while you can go around the web swiping and spinning all sorts of content I like to use the syntax style to write original articles. As I write the content i take the first article and put it into ezine and the other directories get the spun version of my article on ezines. The original is mine and all duplications and spins are unique and ready to be submitted to other directories. All for the work of one article. 


Ps. I used this exact content creation for a new site that took #2 ranking today using other folks content and spinning it to unique levels for my post. The niche is something I know nothing about. I just wanted to try something new and now I have a #2 listed site with content that is readable and informative. In fact so informative i had to read the entire site content to get a feel for the niche that I just launched into. That was me just playig around with my new toy but I wouldn't dare spin content for ezine articles. They'll sniff them out eventually and it's not worth getting suspended. I plan to put the first article into ezine for the traffic and high PR backlink and then just blast the spun versions on other sites. Again, remember this is one article and depending on the amount of synomyns (likewise words) used there's tons of articles you can get from just that one. I still won't be going over 10 submissions per day though. 


Lovin 2011. I love article marketing and this is just going to step it up a notch. 


All the best or

{all the best|to your success|wishing you every bit of success} and

blah, blah, blah...

Now I'm milking it!

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