What's Happening In The IM Kingdom? WSO Gone Wild

Last Update: May 17, 2011

Hey fellow WA'ers

Do you recognize that sort of opening line. It's going crazy in one particular place and it's doing a couple of things for me. It's annoying the heck out me and it's got me curious.

I'm getting emails from folks I didn't know I was on their lists and they all lead to the same place.

That place that seems to always open with the same line...

Hey fellow warriors...

Line...y'all know the one I'll assume. The Supa Dupa Warrior Forum. And no, I'm not a part of their community and neither do a wanna be.

So the WSOs are going bonkers coz it seems that every marketer with a list seems to be hitting it up big time.

What's going on?

Is this some type of new affiliate program that the WSO section has opened up or is it just one of these you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours situations. Calling in favors from the infamous "fellow warriors" tribe.

Love to hear yer thoughts.


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robert2704 Premium
Cool stuff. I like to know what's going on as while I have a site for WA promotions I'm not active with it. I will eventually get back round to it but it's gonna be a while I think. I've took on a mission with a few sites in one niche and pretty much raised the bar for the goals I have for it. I think after this is set up and gets off the ground I'll go back to WA promos for a while and step things up a notch. There's just so much opportunity. By that I don't mean promoting WSOs. But helping folks avoid the stuff getting flogged and point them to the right resources. It's good to keep up to date, I think anyway.
leomessi Premium
Clickbank are getting strict on ''proof'' and ''screenshots''....the WF WSO + affiliate program section will solve this issue me thinks for the scammers
Marcus Premium
Hey Robert...yeah, I hear ya. Here's the culprit...http://www.warriorplus.com/. It allows anyone to promote WSO's and earn a commission. Damaging, I'd say.