Posts by Robert2704 29
Hey guys,Thought it would be a fitting to have a Panda wave bye bye. It's put in a stranglehold that isn't going to be sorted any time soon.As much as I'd love to stick around the WAU as it constantly evolves, I just can't do that at the moment. Some of you may recall the slap down I got when I got 36 sites de-indexed from Google. That's caused a lot of financial hardship with the revenue loss.For the time being, it's not feasible for me to continue the membership when I&
Hey Guys, Well this latest war with Google is struck all my sites at the core and resulted in me losing everything in an instant. So it's back to the drawing board. Zero Sites...Zero Revenue and I don't think there's anyone going to have workarounds to getting back in the game anytime soon. And I sure as heck aren't going to go pay Google for PPC advertising. For the time-being, I'm sitting back and watching on the sidelines to see how this plays out. What I jumpe
Hi guys,   So I actually did follow through on that last blog post. Took the leap and got hooked up with aweber. Thought seen as I had it I might as well make the use of the WA blog and funnel.   That was a whoopsy nearly.  Set the campaigns up back to front and nearly sent the emails to the wrong lists. WA promos would go to a totally different crowd.  And the others were nearly getting a bit of an education for IM. OOPs. Luckily I caught it when I done the test.
Just a quick check in here to update my blog. 26th of this month I've been here a year.  Satisfied that I've learned what I need to be able to making sufficient money from the net.   I can rank sites but I can't monetize the blooming things.  Started scrutinizing what I've been doing and I've been doing too much of nothing.  Jumping around niche to niche. Firing websites on the first page of google without a clue of who my audience is apart from that their searching for
With all the stuff you can do with google instant, you might want to have a decent base input to find the profitable ideas that'll save you a bunch of time.  Try these   Amazing     Bonus     Best Price     Buy     Cure     Discount     Easy     Excellent     Exclusive     Fast     Fix     Guarantee     Help
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Hey fellow WA'ers Do you recognize that sort of opening line. It's going crazy in one particular place and it's doing a couple of things for me. It's annoying the heck out me and it's got me curious. I'm getting emails from folks I didn't know I was on their lists and they all lead to the same place. That place that seems to always open with the same line... Hey fellow warriors... Line...y'all know the one I'll assume. The Supa Dupa Warrior Forum. And no, I'm not a part of their community and
May 07, 2011
I recognize that name from somewhere and had to empty my spam folder as it's getting into the thousands.   That guy (Mike Filsaime) is all over the place in there.Something to do with affiliatedotcom. Never heard of that either.   Any idea who he is. 
Hey guys, This is something that WA has within your "my WA" from the drop down menu under "campaigns".  It's purpose is probably more to do with ad spending or things to keep you in the know of how much your spending in comparison with the revenue you're bringing in.   However,  It dawned on me it can have different uses and that's what I've done with it this morning.  The way I done that is to tally up the costs of all the IM stuff that I'm using or
April 26, 2011
The only reviews I write are truthful ones. I just choose the ratio of positive to negative "truths" that best serves my purpose.  hehehehe  Saw that on the warrior forum about people asking for negative and positive reviews from ghostwriters.  Couldn't help but laugh when I saw it.   Are You Guilty Or are we all.   Robert
Hey guys,  Was at the webinar with Jay last night.  Missed a lot as I was listening and implementing as it went through. There's tons of stuff I picked up.   I threw in a fair whack of the results I got on the forum thread after I ploughed my way through the keyword tool and research stuff.  Obviously I didn't post the Sweeeeeeeeeeeet domain I grabbed myself but I put a few others that I came across within the dog niche in the forum.  Don't like being selfish. Be wa
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