Days Ruined and Innocence Lost!

Last Update: March 20, 2011

Sunday for me is research day and I found what looked to be a winner in terms of search traffic and competition. The problem is I researched to find out what the thing meant.

I'm a young pup and didn't know what grown ups are doing. I don't want to know any more. I just lost my innocence!

If you're into this then no offence but to me it turned my stomach since I was just not long polished a bowl of cereal. 

Fired up IAW to find out about what this is and get this returned

If my husband wants to suck milk out of me when we have a baby soon is it wrong or a turn on ? Yahoo Answers

Adult Nursing Relationship (ANR): Suckling from the female breast as an expression of close intimacy and mutual tenderness. The relationship of both partners is based on equality and mutuality. Adult Nursing Relationships depend on a stable and long term relationship of the couple, otherwise it is nearly impossible to maintain a steady milk flow. On the other hand it is frequently reported that breastfeeding has a strong stabilizing effect on the partnership.[6] The breastfeeding woman may experience orgasms or a pleasurable let-down reflex, but that need not be necessarily so, as the most significant reason to enter into an ANR is the intense bonding and intimacy experienced (and frequently reported) by nursing couples.


Keyword: adult nursing relationships. 

Broad search 9900

Exact: 4400

Competition: 79k

Run a search to see what it is and it's guys being breastfed. It's ruined my day... YUK!

Again, no offence if your into it but please don't comment here about it. I don't want to know about these things. 

.com and .nets available and if you go to hubpages the comments are full of people looking for people to do this with.

If you hook them up to a dating site there may be money in it for you but I couldn't have a site like that. 

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Labman_1 Premium
I might have. Didn't! Wifely is in Ob/Gyn. Delivers baby's for a living. Fortunately we don't have to raise all of them. hehehe.
robert2704 Premium
Hi Sherian, Cheerio to the cheerios then. :)
robert2704 Premium
Hey Craig, at first glance I thought you were heading a different road. "My wife spends..." I was like NOooo! LOL! Mother/children only. It should be law! and not available to view in the morning. LOL
Sherion Premium
My Cheerios will never be the same again. I was also having my ususal Sunday breakfast...cereal... ok...
Best Wishes to You.
Labman_1 Premium
It takes all kinds to make a world. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing for mothers and children. My wife spends countless hours introducing new mothers to it. I do agree that this should be limited to the mother/child bonding though.