Engrossed In The Power Of Persuassion! Free PDF

Last Update: February 11, 2011

Hi WA'ers

I've recently got engrossed in a book by Robert Cialdini called the power of persuassion. A great read and plenty of funny bits in it. If you like reading and you like marketing with all the lessons in WA, I think you'll like the book.


I came in to throw ya all a link to a free PDF that is available on persuassion and it's called the one sentence persuassion report. Funnily enough that one sentence turned into a 13 page pdf. Hows that for marketing. It's a guy called Blair Warren whom I've never heard of. Maybe you guys have. I'm still fairly new to the game. 

Here's The Link!

All the best.




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NEA03 Premium
Thanks, I just read it and I liked it :) Gold for you!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Robert a good read.
Louise M. Premium
Just read it and it's very interesting! Thanks for sharing it! :)