Hey Monkey Brain!

Last Update: April 03, 2011

Hey guys,

No offence with the title...Know the phrases you come across every now and then that just becomes your new thing to say. Squidoo done that to me. 

That's my new phrase for just now anyway. Hey Monkey brain, I'm real immature, I know...

Quick question...

What do you do when people get hot headed and start swearing at ya online?

 Here's what I found you can do...

 Fight Back!

I'm in a niche just now with a lot of hot heads that like to curse and swear and I've got to fight my way through. 

 If you ever get into that situation, don't start a brawl on someones site that doesn't want it. 

There's part of Squidoo that lets you start a brawl. But you need to be sensible about it. 

Start a debate. I'm lucky I have the niche with tons of opinionated folks ready to get involved and pipe up. So the topic wasn't difficult. 

Go to


and start a fight...or if you aren't the starting type you can join one.

It's the same as setting up a lens but it's all about the comments. I think squidoo doesn't allow the swearing anyway so it should be kept clean. (I hope)

But it sure beats getting into an argument on other social sites where you risk getting yourself into bother.

You can put your case out and back your opinion up and go back to the guys that's calling you all sorts and tell them where to find you and get involved. 

When they arrive at your lens they're greeted with...


then the title of your debate. 

I think it's cool but I don't like taking crap from folks. Funny as heck as well.

All the best



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jatdebeaune Premium
Funny. I use that term all the time to mean a racing brain that runs interference with the good stuff.