Lets See If I Can Botch This Too!

Last Update: March 21, 2011

Hey guys,

 I'm about to find out if I'm heading towards being the biggest loser in the IM world.

 This is my first amazon site I'm building too and no I ain't sharing the product.

 Here's why

i got the exact keyword domain. No hyphens or extras. 

 6600 exact searches a month

14500 competition 

OCI ==> 96%

Lets see if I can't make a sale here :)

Product goes for 250 smakeroonies


PS...send PPG some kind words. She's in a rut. A ton of  her sites have been down for ages. incliuding potpiegirl.com and power3marketing. She's having a rough time by the sounds of her email. 


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robert2704 Premium
Just got indexed today. It's back at #39 on scroogle with inforation coming soon. No content on it at all. Was feeling generous so outsourced the content. A few articles, schedule them up and when the traffic starts to slow down. FLIP IT! :) Just ridin the wave on the product name.
DABK Premium
If you've done the onpage optimization, a few articles, and you'll have visitors. I hehehe with you.
robert2704 Premium
Cheers Joan. Got the basics of the site up already. Just need to get content on there.
jatdebeaune Premium
Potpiegirl...What????? Why???? Go get it with your Amazon site.