One For the Cat Lovers

Last Update: March 22, 2011
Hey guysMeet Felix

Got a nippy download. We've got a cat in the house but now there's an even more annoying one. 

It's on my computer. 

The felix cat meat website. You find yourself going about the usual stuff and this nippy cat jumps about about computer screen.

It's nippy but it's funny.

Here's the link

Don't know it works outside the uk. I just think it's funny. You can drag it up to the top of the screen. Drop it and it gets tired after a while and it's bed comes out for it to go to sleep and give you peace.

All the best 


Ps... I don't know how to pause it yet so if you're going to download it and are doing screenshot videos you may need to figure that bit out or Felix will jump into your presentation. hehehe



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robert2704 Premium
Our cat doesn't like it so much. With the sound on, every now and again it goes...Meeeoooww...The cat goes nuts. hehehe. Must think there's another cat in the house. It's a tabby so really teritorial.
Tikafitz Premium
I just downloaded to my PC. Will see how it works over the next few days. The cat is really cute!
robert2704 Premium
Cheers for the tip. Right click it and you can select "see you later" and Felix runs away... or just tell it to get to sleep. LOL
morlandroger Premium
Those kind of things are very funny. Had one which involved sheep (very appropriate here in Cumbria) running across the screen and popping up in unexpected places. Every so often one would descend in flames from top left to bottom right and explode just off screen. Took it off my old computer because it used up quite a lot of sytem resources but should not be a problem with modern systems.

PS. Try right clicking the cat and see if that brings up any settings.
morlandroger Premium
Those kind of things are very funny. Had one which involved sheep (very appropriate here in Cumbria) running across the screen and popping up in unexpected places. Every so often one would descend in flames from top left to bottom right and explode just off screen. Took it off my old computer because it used up quite a lot of sytem resources but should not be a problem with modern systems.