Sorry Guys? This post is for my reference

Last Update: March 16, 2011

Hey guys,

I know this is pretty much public but WA is like my office. I follow Tiffany Dow a lot and in the comment section there was a nugget of information that would help me out should I ever provide a service and not get paid.

This is just a copy/paste from Tiffanys blog so i can reference it quickly in the future. It may help those that already offer services as well but I just wanted to put it somewhere I can reference in the future. It's not a plugging post but the link is provided at the end just for courtesy of taking the content as it's public to everyone in WA. Hope you guys don't mind!

The conversation...

I wish we could post somewhere prominent like WF(?) the names of all guru scam artists. I fell hook line and sinker for Steve from the WF – I think he goes by LMC on WF – his free training was a scam…always an excuse why the lessons were late. Then he said, get a membership in Envato, it will only cost you $20 and you will make it back in w week….register 3 .com sites, doesn’t matte what product they are because I will have you making hundreds in a couple of weeks…as broke as I was I did both……and I even opted for his paid training, after al, he was a warrior, …I even applied for a writing job he posted offering $75 for 4x 400 word reviews of waterfall cardigans…..he followed up that they were so good he would have to put me on retainer….6 months later he still hasn’t paid me, refuses to answer email yet my articles are prominent on his site – which I won’t mention here because I don’t want him getting organic traffic. The thought of him makes me want to vomit. But I am more angry with myself!


Here’s what you do with him. Tell him you’ve been advised to launch an investigation with the FBI’s Internet Fraud Complaint Center. Tell him you will be submitting a fraud claim about both the ghostwriting and the money he stole for the products promised. Advise him this isn’t anything like PayPal – it’s a worldwide investigation. Make sure he knows he has 24 hours to put the funds into your paypal before you hit the submit button.



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