WA Club Draws To A Close And Marks A New Beginning

Last Update: February 16, 2011

This is just a post with regards to the WA club and the teachings of Marcus over the past 30 days. 

The guy sure knows his IM and how to promote WA or for a better way of putting it - how to market probably anything online. 

For those that haven't joined one of the clubs for whatever reason, the next one that comes up will sure help you out. For the cost of 30 days you get a lifetime worth of knowledge. 

So a huge thanks going out to you Marcus for the lessons and the support. 

While the groundwork is set to carry on with WA promotions and I have learned a lot about how to go about getting sales for WA, I have to put out an apology to Kyle and Carson...

While many will choose to go about marketing for WA sales to get monthly commissions (not to mention the vegas trip) I'm going the opposite direction and applying the skills to less competitive niche markets.

I don't really enjoy working in the MMO niche and vegas doesn't really inspire me. Sorry guys! but I like to play under the radar, making money in untapped niches.

I don't see myself in 5 years time being like a Travis Sago, Or a PotPoeGirl of the internet. Taking people under their wings and teaching them what we know.

Who knows though.

I've followed Jennifer since before joining WA and she certainly didn't set out to be a guru.

She introduced me to Travis's Bum marketing method, which led me to commissions, which led me back to Jennifer for her "One Week Marketing" guide and somewhere in between, one of them sent me here. 

And here I am today!

But anyway,

The moral is that until I can make a full time income at this I have no plans in getting attached to one specific niche. Which is why I'm letting Google deal with giving the free traffic to the site from the #1 and #2 spots + all the articles in between, and venture off to work other niches.

Yep, the site is going to be working for me while I'm off to take over some other niches that affiliates are pretty much making a mess off. So. the plan is to go in and tidy things up a bit for the internet and get the eyeballs to my offers and hopefully make some neat commissions. 

Not hopefully. Positive thinking and all that. 


I have the lessons from the backlinks webinar that Jay taught a few weeks back to apply to a site that is about ready to get to the top of Google and then a whole new project in the works...

A brand new site that has been work in progress for some time and for the sake of the niche that it's in it's going to take a lot of work to "organize the internet" as I like to think of it.

Get rid of all the garbage information and put the better content above the rest and then convert that into sales. 

A particular WA member will know what that means. We've been in talks since before the WA club started and now the venture is about to become a reality. That's why the post has come about.  It's got me hyped and the initial 1 article I put to test the numbers for the traffic that the keyword tools were telling me. Well, I didn't believe it and had to do something to test it. The numbers are real and the niche is pretty much easy pickings. (you'll have your secret niches that you dominate. Let me have this one! LOL)

All in as the WA club drew to a close today...

Things are taking shape and not only can you learn a lot from the WA tutorials but you can meet a great deal of people that can help you just as much as you can help someone else. 

It's why we're called the WA FAMILY!

All the best 



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Jamie Smith Premium
Multiple revenue streams are wonderful. I am glad you enjoyed the WA Club as did I.