Posts by Robg1 10
I thought I would have my first try at SEO as I was getting a little bored with pumping out articles all just saying the same thing.   So I watched the recording of Jays SEO Optimizing for A word press Blog.   I followed it to the letter, optimized my blog, and took the advice which was to leave the site alone for a week to let Google get a feel for it.   Just checked today. I am on the first page right below the product in question. I am ww
April 25, 2011
 I have have done so much research over the last month and a half for my current project that I would now consider myself a bit of an expert in the field. So much so that I have been seriously looking at the option of making my site into a membership site. This has been plaguing my mind for well over the last week. I was literally on the cusp of buying some information on the subject for $97. Then I logged into WA this morning and hey presto - Jay's next wabinar is on the same top
After being continually rejected by Ezine without proper explanation and never ranking with article base I have been using Street Articles this week. 3 clicks in my sleep after one week without bookmarking any of my week's ten articles! Maybe you think this is nonsense. How about one week equals 3 clicks - one year equals 150 clicks! That equates to 3 sales roughly per day. If you were promoting WA that would be more than 100k a year. I am not promoting make money because it feels holl
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March 03, 2011
Ok so you think google cares about quality content. Well I suppose they do to some extent. But lets look at what I think is really happening here. I learned a nice little fact in Jay's Webinar on video marketing. Google owns you tube. Yes Google owns Youtube! So who gets the advertising revenue form you tube? Google of course. So it makes total business sense for them to lower the rank of article  directories and up youtube rankings for the same keywords. Therefore they make more advertis
February 09, 2011
As I said in a reply to somebody's blog post recently my friends are calling me 'flap top' now because my face is never away from my computer screen. All this time has been spent at the computer on an old rickety chair with no back to it. I had consequenquently developed some pains in my back and neck. This is all the more daft as I have a degree in Ergonomics or as Americans call it Human Factors.This subject covers work health and safety in many aspects and usability of machinery, equipment, c
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I have been dancing around internet marketing for a couple of years now but finally after moving house and Job I have organised my life in way that I can get going on it.  I have at last  been able to diligently follow the article marketing course up to day nine and counting!! Wow action is the way to learn for sure! However, upon searching for one of my aticles I found a site which had stolen the whole thing. The most annoying part being that the site is ranking better than me! I thou
April 14, 2010
Here is wishing all my buddies at WA a happy Thai new year!!! Yes it was a crazy day which happens to be my birthday also!  People line the streets and throw water over anyone passing by. Its mayhem!!! Anyway I had a great time! Only drank enough to make an elephant drunk!   
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March 08, 2010
I Have been so lazy recently! The action plan is great, but just like my times at university, I wait until the last minute (when the time for the release of the next lesson is up) then I do it. I see no real problem with this because I passed University with the same kind of behaviour! What continues to inspire me thought and keep at it is my daily visits to the WA site. Whether I actually do more of the action plan or not, I read the blog of the day and add that author as a buddy, read a succ
February 23, 2010
I am not an experienced blogger (In fact - this is my second one ever!) so the idea now is to use this blogging facilities to chart my thoughts throughout my WA Journey. If anyone reads them thats great but if anything I think it will be usefull for me to record what is happening to me here at WA.  Today's thought - which I posted already at the end of lesson 3 in the heavily talked about action plan!  Excuse my controversial thoughts but I think all this moaning about the action plan
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February 18, 2010
Hi my name is Rob. I am originally from Scotland but live in Thailand now. I have a degree and a post graduate but have rejected the 'career' way of life. I have instead tried, over the years, to start up small businesses with varying amounts of success. The one problem I always saw with traditional business is the way it ties you down. So the freedom you were looking for is not really there after all. I see internet marketing as an ideal way to create a non location dependent income which ca