Wake Up Everybody

Last Update: March 03, 2011

Ok so you think google cares about quality content. Well I suppose they do to some extent. But lets look at what I think is really happening here.

I learned a nice little fact in Jay's Webinar on video marketing. Google owns you tube. Yes Google owns Youtube! So who gets the advertising revenue form you tube? Google of course.

So it makes total business sense for them to lower the rank of article  directories and up youtube rankings for the same keywords. Therefore they make more advertising money on those keywords. Good business.

Yes they care about the user experinece. They care if the user's experience makes them a few million dollars or does not make them a few million dollars. And thats daily!

They may be playing the nice political PR stunt of caring about user experience and quality content. But to me its obvious what they are doing.

Have you seen the amount of garbage on youtube? The amount of videos that use clever shock headlines or titles and then contain something completely different or just do not do what they say in the tilte? quality content? I don't think so.

It is even worse in terms of quality than article directories. Perhaps you tube will start to implement some form of quality control at some point. But how they would do that is a mystery to me.

Money talks and quality walks when mega bucks are involved. They can dress it up any way they like. This is not about the user and a 'quality' experience. This is well and truly about them and a massive increase in revenue.




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klrrider Premium
Hey Rob... I think you are on to something here! Reminds me of the saying "It's nothing personal, just business." Do I detect another conspiracy here?
Robg1 Premium
Oh yes. I see it as a great opportumity.Now a whole bunch of keywaords are available again but this time you do it in video. I feel sorry for people who have written a tonne of articles that were working for them and now are not. That is a shame. But as they say 'nothing lasts for ever'!
jatdebeaune Premium
Great for YouTube and us. Bad news for the directories. Good point Rob.
SquidooSlfMstr Premium
Great point rob. "Follow the money" as they say.

If Google favors YouTube videos, it's a great way to get traffic to your sites, both from a SERP stand point and for back linking purposes. Embed them in your sites as well.
magistudio Premium
Well said Rob.