Lazy Me!

Last Update: March 08, 2010

I Have been so lazy recently!

The action plan is great, but just like my times at university, I wait until the last minute (when the time for the release of the next lesson is up) then I do it. I see no real problem with this because I passed University with the same kind of behaviour!

What continues to inspire me thought and keep at it is my daily visits to the WA site. Whether I actually do more of the action plan or not, I read the blog of the day and add that author as a buddy, read a success story, look at some of my buddy activity, and read some stuff in the forum.  All of this is teaching and inspiring me all of the time. I think I am starting to feel attached to the community of WA :-) . Here in lies the greater power of this site.

How easy is it to motivate yourself by yourself every day? Not easy. But here in WA there are stories from real people doing real things. People are telling their day to day stories be it success or failure. There is an empathy there.

What is the value in an e-book if when you are stuck you cannot seek help? To quote Franky goes to Hollywood 'Absolutely nothing' ! Here you are as far from alone as you can get and everyone wants everyone to get ahead. This is amazing. I am only dipping in right now but I can see the benefits right away.

Right - back to the action plan. No dilly dallying Rob. Come on!


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