Developing News in My New Venture!

Last Update: May 25, 2012

Good afternoon!

As I am trying to battle between all my goals and staying on the path to success, I seem to be struggling with Niche and Keyword Research. I do not know exactly why I am having so much trouble. Maybe it is because I am looking for that perfect one. Perhaps I am afraid that what I look for is not exactly money-making material. In any case, I am not abandoning the process and will choose one before the end of the week-end!

In any case, I was looking at my profile yesterday and suddenly it hit me! I came up with an idea that would push me forward, that would get me started and would help me move towards my goal. I quickly sent a message to an old friend of mine and laid out the idea to see if he was interested in joining. Being out of work and looking for a new start, he seemed very interested by the idea and has jumped aboard to develop this idea.

I am very excited as I think this could become a very good authority site. By partnering up with my friend, I feel as though we will be able to bring forth a project that will be of high quality and that will be successful in the long run! The best part about all this is that it links back right into what I studied in university!

I am sorry for being so vague about the project. First, we do not have anything concrete just yet and are meeting at some point next week to write up a business plan to make things more clear. Second, part of me is afraid that if I reveal too much, somebody will come up and snatch the idea right under my nose!

I just needed to announce it somewhere and this seemed to be the best place :)

Baby steps to SuccessVille!

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jchilders Premium
Congrats on getting headed in the right direction! Good luck in your future venture.

As my GoDaddy purchase history would show, I've been through a number of different niches looking for that magical 'one'. So don't worry about having problems finding what you want to go into. If you aren't passionate about it, it will both come through in your writing and you won't be enjoying yourself.