Goals for 2012-2013

Last Update: May 24, 2012

Good afternoon all! Today's post will be about my list of goals I have made for the next year. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I came up with this after reading IveTriedThat's post on personal development and motivation. It has been real difficult for me to concentrate on a single aspect of my life because I was trying to touch up on everything at once.

That was because I did not have any clear goals in mind!I took the time to think about what I wanted to accomplish in all aspects of my life and I've come up with Milestone goals in my working life, my Internet Marketing venture and on a more personal level. I will then be able to clearly identify what needs to be done on a daily and weekly basis in order to succeed and achieve all these goals!

I have tried to be reasonable with my goals and make them achievable. I will reassess my progress in 6 months time and readjust what I want to do.So here are my main goals for 2012-2013:

Work-Related Goals

1. Find a job within a month of obtaining my U.S. Work Permit. (If everything goes as planned, I should receive this by the end of July)

2. Become Conversationally fluent in Spanish. I've taken Spanish classes throughout high school and a full year in university but I don't remember enough to converse with someone. Having recently move to NYC, I believe speaking Spanish would be a great asset to have. I would then be able to speak and write 3 languages fluently(French, English and Spanish.)

3. Apply to a higher position around the 6 month mark if said position is available. Indirectly, this will force me to work very hard and put a lot of efforts in performing. That is something I haven't done in my last job and I unfortunately got laid off! :(

Internet Marketing Goals

1. In a year from now, I would like to have a minimum of 12 Functioning and Active Websites. I base this on the 30 day plan and the fact that once I have a job, I will not be doing IM full time.

2. I would like my average revenue to be 10$ a day per website. Again, from what I have been reading, this seems to be a conservative goal.

3. I want to increase my skills in terms of website development. I believe this is inevitable if I am going to be creating multiple websites.4. I'd like to create a personal growth blog. This is still a bit undefined as to what exactly I want it to be but I'm consistently thinking about it. I guess my first two posts would be sort of what I want to do!

Personal Development Goals

1. Be physically active 5 to 6 days a week (running, Playing sports, work-out at the gym, etc.)

2. I quit smoking everything at the beginning of January and while my health has certainly benefited from this, my appetite has grown tremendously and my lack of physical activity has caused my belly to also benefit and I tip the scale at at a whopping 195 lbs! Keep in mind I've weighed between 160 and 175 for at least the last 12 years of my life. The goal here is to remain at 195 WITHOUT THE BELLY! That means I will have to change that fat to muscle!

3. I would like to participate in at least 2 Half-Marathons. Running will definitely help me lose the weight and since I really hate running, it gives me something to reach for which is a bit more motivating!

So those are my goals for the year. I do not know if I put too much on my plate but I do know that if I have too much free time I usually waste it and do nothing so by filling my days with productive stuff, I believe I will be able to accomplish all of these things!I'm not sure if anybody will read all this but they say that if you expose your goals to friends or others, you are more accountable.

I will keep track of my goals throughout this blog and most probably will export all this to an independent blog that will be accessible by my friends and family.

Thanks for listening! Looking forward to discussing and chit chatting with you guys!Alex

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BIS Premium
Hi Alex
Very interesting to learn what your goals are. I'm a trained Coach so reading through what you said several points immediately came to mind that you might want to think about. (Apologies if you already have)

1. "Reassess my goals in 6 months time" - that's an awful long time to reassess your progress. With that sort of time frame quite a lot of things are likely to get lost. Advise you change that to once a month.

2."I do not know if I have put too much on my plate" - Only you can tell this but you should certainly make a stab at finding out now. Have you thought about how mny hours in a day that you have to devote to these things? Things always take more time that we expect (ordinary life gets in the way) so you need to have planned some wriggle room into your schedule.

3 ... accessible to my friends and family. Not for a moment suggesting you shouldn't do this. It can be a real motivator to share your journey with others. Just also be aware that even the people who love you most are not always as supportive as people expect when it comes to other people's goals.. Just be mentally prepared for the possibility.

Best wishes and the best of luck

RozcoRoc Premium
Hi Beverley! Thanks for the input!

You might be right in terms of the time length between assessment. What I should've said was a major assessment! Adding and taking away certain goals depending on what life brings! I will definitely keep track of what I do on a monthly basis and see what works and what doesn't!

In terms of too much on my plate. I currently have the chance(putting a positive twist on my situation) to devote all my time to these goals. The situation will be different in 3 months but for now I can dive in 100%!

In terms of friends and family, I understand what you mean by not always being as supportive as we'd expect them to be. I've made a few major decisions in the last few years that were not met with much enthusiasm or support from my surrounding. However, the few that did show the support are the people I actually cared about. I guess I was lucky in that sense. Few close friends, a lovely wife and a wonderful mother! The rest I consider haters and I fuel on their comments and reaction :)

Thank you!
Sielke Premium
Good stuff Alex, glad you have goals for all areas of your life. It's important find balance especially with the exercise. Exercise helps you to stay focused and gives you more energy so it will definitely help out your IM journey.