Posts by Schalkl 11
August 22, 2011
My, how quickly things change. Just a month ago I blogged that I would stop using WordPress because I just couldn't get around all its problems.But I was going to keep on hosting my sites with WA. So I set about re-creating my site in XSite Pro, achieving in 1 day what I couldn't do in WordPress... ...but I could not connect with FTP. After a few PM's to Kyle and responses from him it still didn't work. Because I didn't want to keep on PMing Kyle I tried support, but they didn't either bother to
July 26, 2011
 I have given up on WP Express. Every time I try doing something I end up breaking my site. And because I'm on the other side of the world (New Zealand) it can take days to get it fixed - time I feel I can spend better working with more flexible tools. So I've decided to give up on WP Express. I'd much rather build my site with a proper tool like XSite Pro and upload it to WA hosting. And I'll keep on using WA for training purposes.  
July 02, 2011
 This world of internet marketing is an awesome place! I thoroughly enjoy it, and wish I had more time. I have been working 70-hour weeks on my full-time job for the last two months, and I cannot help wondering what would have happened to my internet presence if I'd spent that same amount of time writing content for my site and articles to promote it... But the important thing is that I'm still here, I have not lost faith in the huge potential offered and I'l just keep plugging along whenev
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September 24, 2010
Today is a day I will never forget, because today I made my first online sale!   This is proof that I can do it, and now I just have to keep on building traffic to my site.   I love this job!  Well, in fact it is not really a job, because it is something that I enjoy, and now I make money from it! Wow, how lucky can you get?  
August 28, 2010
After a lot of hard work, and huge amounts of learning new things, my site is finally live on the internet - I started off using Site Rubix to build my site, but changed to XSite Pro - and what a difference it made!  I would advise everybody who wants to build a website to buy and use XSite Pro - it makes it just SOOOO much easier...  Check them out at this link (to follow later - currently not working on my own computer). Of course the site
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June 28, 2010
My site is ready to go. Only my PayPal button's working still needs to be corrected, then it's time to launch this ship that I've built.   It has been a huge learning curve, but thanks to all the support at WA a daunting task turned out to be not so daunting after all.   I wish to thank everybody for their support, advice and encouragement.  
June 27, 2010
Well, well, well... a few weeks ago I didn't think that I would be where I am today.  My site is created in Site Rubix, and now I'm just struggling to get it shown in the browser.  The files have been successfully transferred using FTP (wow, something else I had to learn), but there is something slightly wrong somewhere. That doesn't matter too much, though, because there are so many people in WA who are willing to help.  It's just a matter of a few days, and my first site will be
June 06, 2010
Finally started building my website.  This is again a massive learnig curve - it's one thing to see a site and know you like it, but quite another to create one that you think others will like... I plan to have my site up and running by the end of June 1020.
January 06, 2010
I submitted my first two articles in EzineArticles today! Wow, what a feeling to finally have achieved something!  Now I must just wait to see if my articles are accepted... I think I am going to enjoy article marketing, because I love writing.  
January 01, 2010
I want to wish everybody at WA a wonderful, successful 2010!  Thanks for the support, tips & advice already given. This year is the year where I'll make a breakthrough and "get" this whole IM "thing". I created my first Squidoo lens and I have also created my first blog post at Exciting stuff! But there is still SOOO much to learn... 2010, here we come - watch out!!