As close as...

Last Update: June 28, 2010
My site is ready to go. Only my PayPal button's working still needs to be corrected, then it's time to launch this ship that I've built.
It has been a huge learning curve, but thanks to all the support at WA a daunting task turned out to be not so daunting after all.
I wish to thank everybody for their support, advice and encouragement.
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schalkl Premium
Thanks, guys.
Yes, this is really exciting. Now starts the BIG work (from what I could make out) namely to get traffic to the site...
NEA03 Premium
That's fantastic! :)
Lee P. Premium
Awesome! Happy sailing and enjoy the ride!
Let us know how it goes!
Louise M. Premium
Congratulations! It's exciting, isn't it? :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Blue skies ahead. Happy sailing!