Au revoir mes amis

Last Update: August 22, 2011

My, how quickly things change.

Just a month ago I blogged that I would stop using WordPress because I just couldn't get around all its problems.But I was going to keep on hosting my sites with WA.

So I set about re-creating my site in XSite Pro, achieving in 1 day what I couldn't do in WordPress...

...but I could not connect with FTP.

After a few PM's to Kyle and responses from him it still didn't work. Because I didn't want to keep on PMing Kyle I tried support, but they didn't either bother to respond.

Then another disaster struck.

My other site, which had been running flawlessly for months, stopped its email forwarding to me. Only I didn't know this until I went in there by chance and I saw repeat messages from clients who were getting furious because of my bad service in not responding to them.

I put a question on the forum. Then I contacted support again and gave them the url of the forum messages, asking them to assist urgently.

That was about a week ago... and still no response.

So - 

1) I decided to move my hosting elsewhere where support is more reliable

2) And therefore this is my swan song in WA, saying Au revoir, mes amis.

It was fun, I learned a lot here, and made some good buddies. But I cannot justify staying a WA-er any longer.

Good luck to you all, and I hope we meet again some day.

Schalk Lubbe

Auckland, New Zealand

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