Fantasy Football?

Last Update: August 18, 2012
Hey WA'ers,

Been working like made for the past few weeks but the NFL season is about to start..that means Fantasy Football is back..which also means I want to take a break and enjoy some of these games. I think a WA league would be cool thing, something like doing a league with guys in your office except our peers are here on WA!

Let me know if anyone is interested. I was thinking of a small buy in fee so that we can keep things interested as well as awarding a prize from my own contribution to the winner that relates the the IM world.

I'm hoping we can get a league just with WA'ers but I have a whole bunch of others interested if I need to invite outside parties.

Hope we have some fans!


- I know money is an issue an concern, I'm sure many WA'ers would vouch for me but just so you're at peace of mind we'll use League Safe ( As to how much, thats up to you but I'm thinking a fee of $10-$50, 50% to 1st place, 30% to 2nd, 20% to 3rd.
- I'll put it to a majority vote on what system we use and most of the league rules. My preference is ESPN, standard scoring, auction draft (that way we're all on the same playing field no luck to it), I'm looking at making this a dynasty/keeper league so that we can build upon it next year and the next.
- Minimum participants should be 8, max 12 per league. If there is a huge response (which I'm hoping, I'll let you know my plans for that).
- Will also look for a consensus for a Draft time.

Right now, post your interest and platform preference (, ESPN, Yahoo..etc.).

Here is a list of interested parties at this time:
  • Sielke
  • Shawn Martin
  • Stadium
  • mdonnelly21
  • muskyblood

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muskyblood Premium
Im in.. PM me the details.. It will be nice to take Stadiums money twice in one year.
stadium Premium
When do you want my paypal info for the deposit?
Sielke Premium
@muskyblood, awesome, I'll wait until later tonight to create the league if no one objects I'll use ESPN, standard scoring, auction draft, 10 players
stadium Premium
Sielke, Musky thinks football is soccer
Sielke Premium
@stadium hahaha, I was never a soccer fan but my girlfriend played in college so I became one (sort of), watched the womens US team in the olympics and it was pretty exciting especially the canada-us game..
muskyblood Premium
Keep dreaming..
mdonnelly21 Premium
Espn, NFL, or other. I already have an ESPN account so I would rather do that, but how would we set up the $ part?
stadium Premium
you can all deposit your monies into my paypal account and i'll distribute it at the end of the season
mdonnelly21 Premium
Sielke Premium
Money will be done through league safe ( that way you don't have to worry. As for what system I'm going to put it to a consensus. Read my edit to the original post.
stadium Premium
you don't trust me:)
Shawn Martin Premium
Me me, I will me me, , { waving hands ) :P
stadium Premium
Would love tto
mdonnelly21 Premium
I'm IN!