I want WP Pinner

Last Update: May 18, 2012
Hey all, I hate to promote something but I want access to WP Pinner.

WP Pinner supposedly allows you to manager your Pinterest account. They are using a very creative marketing method where they are sending out beta copies in batches but the list is based on the number of people referred.

Let me give you my quick pitch, here is why you should help me out.
  • Cause you're all very nice people.
  • I think it will be a great tool and will help out a lot of you, get on the list yourself.
  • It's free, just signup for their emailing list through my link.
  • I can beta test it for you, that way if you ever need help with the plugin, I'll be able to help you. Let my site break so yours won't!
  • Again, cause you're all very nice people.
So if you would all be so kind, http://sielke.com/goto.php?place=wppinner-beta

Thanks to anyone who does help me out here, if not, that's okay!
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jaymekl Premium
done... let us know how it works!
Sielke Premium
Thanks! Will do.
Wonderful! I've signed up :)
Sielke Premium
Thanks, Kara!
yessharon Premium
I just signed up. You have been so helpful to everyone here at WA. Looking forward to your review of the plugin.
Sielke Premium
Thank you! I'll definitely be posting my thoughts once I give it a good overview.
BIS Premium
I have signed up. I shall be interested to hear how you get on. I'm supposed to be beta testing some similar software at the moment but I have yet to use it.
Sielke Premium
Interesting, it'll be good to get reviews on both.
the filbert Premium
have signed up :)
Sielke Premium
thanks phil, i think its going to be a great tool especially if you already use pinterest but we'll see
the filbert Premium
I havent used it yet but I know it will be very useful in the niche i am in