Help me to help you..

Last Update: April 30, 2012

I've been a little MIA for the past week. I had a rough week at work but I ended it on a great note by re-designing my workspace to include building my Hackintosh/Windows 7 workstation (more on that in a future post).

What I want to do is to contribute to the OEP. Here are my reasons:

  • I actually learned a bit about internet marketing, the marketing side. I've actually taken in a lot of information and have applied methods to my sites. I feel confident I will start to see the results quickly. I want to give back.
  • I want to gain an audience here. This is my selfish reason, by building a network here I have created a group of people I can ask for opinions, advice, and suggestions on my projects.
  • I dislike the education system (Kyle made a great post about this a few days ago). I believe in the theories of OEP. I believe anything you want to learn is a Google search away. I want it to stay that way, that means contributing to that open database of knowledge we call the internet.

So here's the deal. If you're having trouble with something and you're looking for help, ask me.

The catch(es):

  • If the answer to your problem is in the training section already and you were just too lazy to look, you're out of luck. If you found the answer but you still are struggling I understand but if you're just too lazy to help yourself..sorry I don't feel like helping you.
  • I don't know everything! If the problem has to do with web design, development (HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP/MySQL/Wordpress), technical stuff like hosting or DNS I'll most likely be able to cover you. If it's how do I make my site #1 in Google for every search term existing I have no idea. So basically the technical side let me know.
  • If I want to make a tutorial out of your project you have to let me. For example, I'm helping klrrider with a problem. He let me use his problem for a video tutorial that will be released in the near future. This means that your problem may not be solved immediately..I take that back the problem may be solved but I have to document it so it might take me a little bit.

Okay, so for those of you who have no idea what's going on let me summarize this post. I'm offering you my services for FREE, in exchange for the opportunity to answer the same question for everyone who has it. This is the same service I've charged $250 an hour from the likes of Duncan Hines, Disney, and Suzuki Motors among other companies.

This isn't going to be forever and I'll most likely just take the first few to begin with. So just send me a PM and we'll go from there.

PS: if you don't feel like you can trust me, there's only so much I can do without actually going and seeing the problem first hand so don't bother asking if you aren't willing to give me your sites FTP/Wordpress/Hosting details, etc..If you're sketchy about it, I know the internet is full of pretty horrible people, maybe someone will vouch for me.

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Labman_1 Premium
I'll vouch for you only if I can come visit. :) Glad your back.
muskyblood Premium
I can vouch for Seilke. I had a hosting issue a few weeks ago and he requested my log in info to GoDaddy for a client. I was hesitant at first, but decided to let him access my clients account. He did what he said and helped fix the problem, and did so in a very professional manner. If I were to have a problem in the future, I would feel totally comfortable allowing him to access my account.