Posts by Smokey And I 6
August 11, 2010
Just want to let some of you know that I am making much progress in my quest for that first sale.  :-)  I have several articles that are ranked 1,2,3 or 4 with some heavy search for numbers.  just not getting any sales.  I need to research more for how to write and incorporate action words in my articles I would say.  The tools here at WA I feel are great and simple to use.  ie keyword search and rapid writer.   That's it for now. Just wanted to vent. Smokey an
July 26, 2010
I asked a question in the forum and got a couple answers . and one of them was Kyle.  Wow he took time to reply to me.   He had some good advise and I will apply what he said.  Basically don't be so blah in my writing.   but keep on writing.  Answer the questions that people want answers to .  Benefits to them and write as if I am talking to them one heartbeat to another beat.  Thanks Kyle for your time. and all of you.   Smokey and I
1 comment
July 05, 2010
Happy 4th of July. This is still a great place to live in spite of the stuff going on in DC or not going on. Heck we can still learn from each other here at WA.  We do need to keep an eye on the regulation of the internet.  Let's all help to do that. Happy 4th  Thank   A Vet.   Smokey and I
1 comment
June 28, 2010
I just checked google again and I am 3rd and 4th ranked now  zzoowwee Now it is exciting I think the tools here Wa work and will stick with them for awhile.  :-) Smokey and I
June 22, 2010
I just checked on my last article and keyword is ranked # 3  WOW, Holy Smokes, and soclomenski , That   is almost a shock but the best one.  Maybe there is something to the numbers.  high search #  over   22,000   and  low competition 113 when I first looked   now 160 I was reading a thread yesterday about numbers versus accuracy and what they all mean etc,  I got from the read that numbers don't matter much.  Well, I do
June 20, 2010
Hi all Better get this blog going :-) I am new right now but getting familiar here and finding lots of good needed thinking going on here.  I was steered here by potpiegirl and now I know why.  This is a true learning center.  The tools here are really special and I think I have already foun d a  hot niche that I am starting to write arts about.  Must go as also farm and must get wheat cut soon as it is ripe.  Must get done quickly so will be back here at WA a lot.