Getting Ranked

Last Update: August 11, 2010

Just want to let some of you know that I am making much progress in my quest for that first sale.  :-)  I have several articles that are ranked 1,2,3 or 4 with some heavy search for numbers.  just not getting any sales.  I need to research more for how to write and incorporate action words in my articles I would say.  The tools here at WA I feel are great and simple to use.  ie keyword search and rapid writer.  

That's it for now. Just wanted to vent.

Smokey and  I

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Smokey and I Premium
DABK Thanks for the tips I will keep them in mind. I am studying a report on writing now so hope that goes well, pretty in depth. Smokey and I
DABK Premium
The articles in are not for selling, they're for arousing curiosity. If you give 3 good tips in the article and your resource box says go here to get 2 more, you're ahead.
You could also just bribe them. Go here to get a free report or a free trial...

That assumes you have readers. If you don't have readers, you also need to pick better titles and write catchier 1st paragraphs and summaries.