Moment of Victory!

Last Update: October 06, 2010

The one thing that changes my directions, pushes me to keep going and sometimes gives me a kick on my butt to get moving is thought provoking, well made videos. Every time I see one that touches me, I like to share it with everyone I can in the hope that someone may be needing that little something to inspire them today.

Here is one such video. It take the place among the 'Top 5 Feel-Good Videos' in my book. Hope it gives you a boost in whatever you are doing today.

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prinker Premium
That's awesome!
BradB Premium
That was good thanks.
Labman_1 Premium
If nothing else that brightened up my day. The power of positive thinking.
NEA03 Premium
That was beautiful, it made me cry(can't believe that) lol. Thanks for sharing and glad to see your still here :) -Irma
Fallulah Premium
How Fantabulous!!!! Love it Love it Love it SP1976 :) Bet I'll watch that at least another 5 times today [lol] Thanks for posting 'twas just what I needed :))