Success is Imminent!

Last Update: October 20, 2010

I have good news. I am finally finished with my first real campaign. By first real campaign I mean I took this one through all nine yards. I did everything that needs to be done, systematically, and patiently.

I spent all of September and most of October working on this. It is my Halloween store. The only reason I was able to do this is because I had  DABK holding my hand with every step. 

The one mistake I made with this campaign was that I started too late. I did not know any better. I am so glad that I did it however, because I learned a whole lot and the experience is priceless. I feel confident this will bear fruit for years to come. 

Please do check out my Halloween Store.  It will open up in a new window so you can come back here when you are done.

Thanks for everything Dusan.

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SP1976 Premium
I have datafeed. So no physical products.
jatdebeaune Premium
Curious Saanika, do you stock all of that merchandise or do you drop ship? Is your site live?
jatdebeaune Premium
Good job! You look ready for business. Dusan rocks.
SP1976 Premium
Thanks Irma!
NEA03 Premium
Looks great Saanika, I like it. And those babies are so adorable.:)