They Will Understand if We Do

Last Update: July 19, 2010

Just noticed today that my member rank has gone up considerably since I started. Does feel good to have gone up somewhere. I am totally clueless how and why that happened however. Not sure. Totally stumped. Any thoughts?

I woke up today, like every other day with a mission - to make my first dollar online. To break through. To finally believe that what I am looking for is really out there. I spoke with my husband at length yesterday. He is my biggest supporter and biggest critic. His actions lately however, were not supporting his intentions.His intentions to back me up, support my seemingly unrelenting quest. I read Potpiegirl's blog and realized, I was not giving him what he needed. I had not made it clear to him that this is more to me than just about the money. This is about me finding what I have in me that makes me different. This is about me finding my self worth and this is about me not quitting. I told him that money is a factor as it should be in anything that I would do because my time away from my kids and my husband needs to be worth it. Money however, is not the most important factor. He understood, as he always does. I realized that I had fallen short in making my motivations clear. It was I who had failed to let him in. Why have I shared all this with you? Don't know, maybe it might help someone else like me, who is feeling alone and feeling that people around do not understand. They will if we understand them. They want to, but we are not giving them the tools they need to help them understand. So go ahead, have that talk with them. Pour your heart out. Tell them why you really want this or need this. I wish you luck.

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Labman_1 Premium
I can relate. I've been at this for almost 3 weeks now. There have been some hurdles that I've cleared and some to go. I have not shared this with my spouse yet as I'm waiting for two things. 1 can I make this work and 2. Will she be supportive. I'm going to spring it on her on the 31st ( Her B-day) with any luck there will be a sale before this time and she will be more amenable to supporting this venture.