Posts by SP1976 13
July 12, 2010
I just wonder sometimes, is it just me or is everyone in this business just obsessed? I don't know. I find myself thinking about this in my dreams sometimes. I used to give my hubby a hard time for spending so much time on the computer or his iPhone. Now look who is on the computer all the time. I write one article and I check on it and check on it and check on it. Every hour I check my clickbank account, I check my blog, I check my squiddoo lenses. I am going crazy. To all you advanced people o
Is this what the Google slap is all about? I was riding on a cloud since my last post about writing my first article and it getting listed on the 1st page of google under the search Wordpress Express. Today, it is GONE! And what is worse is that it is showing up on the first page under someone else's blog. Yes, someone hijacked it and all my links are inactive as it shows up. I can't believe this. Is this why many people quit? I don't know what went wrong. I need a lot of strength
YES! I finally wrote my first real article-besides all the squiddoo pages I made which never got much traffic and didn't get any clicks from the people who did visit. I did it....this time, wrote the article promoting Wordpress Express offered by WA and submitted it to three directories. It is already live at articlebase and another place I did not submit it to. I feel so good and so hopeful. I hope this works. Please read my article and leave me any comments and cr
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