About Spice
Joined December 2008
Lisa here. Joined WA a little more than a week ago. Thought It was about time that I filled you in on myself just a little.

I have done alot of different things in my 45 yrs. and made sure that whatever I was doing at the time, I did it to the best of my abilities ( most of the time ). As much as I enjoyed some of the "JOBS" that I have had there was always that thought in the back of my mind that I wanted to be my own boss, but not your typical business owner. I wanted to be my own boss, offer something to people that could possibly change there lives and do it from the comfort of my home. IM seemed to be the way to do it, but as you know there is so much info out there on the subject that you just don't know which way to turn. I have purchased more than my share of e-books that tell you what to do, but few TEACH you HOW to do it. That is what brought me here and I will do my best to make the most of what WA has to offer.

I love to spend time with my daughter ( 19 ) , I exercise every morning, love to swim and one of my favorite things to do is hang out at the local beer joint , have a few, put some music on and talk to anyone that has something to say....LOL

Could use any thoughts, opinions and advise. I can see that WA has alot of information and learing tools, but I think there is nothing like the assistance of some that has been there or someone that is going through the same thing.

Till then,

Spice's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Welcome, Lisa and Happy New Year to you and that daughter of yours. John
TJ Books Premium
I usually answer questions promptly. Kyle will give you an answer in a day, Carson in two, so take your pick. Don't ask them both the same question. Forums bring answers too. Usually pretty fast. So do all three according to your needs. If you want ot ask me, send me a personal message by click on Contact this User on my profile. Happy New Year!
TJ Books Premium
By the way, your message to Dan went only to you. Click on his pic to reply. And mine! John
TJ Books Premium
I got your messages and replied.

imapita4u Premium
I found you!! :)
I thought I would come find you and add you, cause... you were the first person to talk to me on here, and that means a lot!!
imapita4u Premium
Noo don't feel silly :P It'll all come naturally soon enough. I'm getting used to a lot of the stuff, its just the reading (it doesn't always stick) so I have to go back and re-read it cause I'll forget what some stuff means. I know you can dive on in before the 8 week plan is over.. I think you can get your niche and then do an article about it on Squidoo... I'm mainly looking into the free marketing techique's right now, cause I'm pinching my pennies. Money is damn tight right now! Ugh.
I do agree with you; We shall give it hell, cause this is our only option to suceed!!

Merry Christmas :D Talk to you soon.
imapita4u Premium
Hey Lisa :)
My christmas was pretty good - I did more on christmas eve than christmas day.. actually I did nothing christmas day. I cleaned my bathroom!! Haha. I'm glad yours was awesome!
I've been busy the past few days, but I try to get on here for a little while and do some more reading. Week two is available for me tomorrow. Things are moving at a slow pace for now.. but I guess thats to be expected!!
I didn't know you had a daughter my age :] whats her name?
Talk to you soon!!
imapita4u Premium
Yes, clean bathrooms are lovely :P I don't mind cleaning it I guess, but yeaahh sometimes its just plain gross.
I know what you mean - the last job I had just got me by. It sucked cause I didn't even get a lot so I could save up!! It basically paid for my bills and essential stuff during the week. I could treat myself here and there, but I had to spend my cash wisely. Ugh I hated it.
Its good you want to teach her what we're learning on here.. there's nothing better than being your own boss, and working whenever you want!

I want to write an article soon too. I'm still thinking what it should be about though.. oh well, I'll figure it out soon.

Hope your having a nice weekend! Talk to you later.
imapita4u Premium
Hey Lisa :)
How's it going, its been a while since I heard from you.
imapita4u Premium
Hey you :) How ya doin?
spice Premium
Hi Jamie,

Nice to hear from you. Glad you found me...LOL There sure is a lot to learn about WA and I feel a little silly but just getting around in the forum and spaces is harder for me than it sould be , I'm sure!! Oh well , I'll just keep on writing and posting and hope my messages get where they are supposed to go....LOL Anyways, It's sounds to me as if you really want this and that is half the battle so lets dive in ( after the 8 week plan ) and give it hell. Success is the only option .

Till next time

Happy Holidays!!!!

spice Premium
Hi Jamie,

How was you Christmas? I had an awesome day!! How are you doing? Haven't had much time to do much but read and check out WA and all it has to offer. Week 2 of the 8 week plan is available today and I will start on that now. Hope things are moving along for you. Talk soon.

spice Premium

Love a nice clean bathroom. Although I hate to do it!! My daughters name is Cori and she is the greatest. She is one of the reasons that I want to make this a great success. I would like to learn how to make money on line and then teach her how to do it so that she can be free of a "boss" and a "job" and live life not just get by.

I think that slow and steady is the way to go. I really do want to write my first article and see how it goes.

Have a great and I'll talk to you soon.

demmick Premium
Hey spice! Let me know if you I can ever help you. I am a newbie too but I will try my best. I have a little experience in writing and publishing articles online ;)
demmick Premium
The messages will stay in your out box until the recipients read them. If they are in the out box you can be assured they were sent. I only know this because it was just asked in the forum, lol :) -

https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=42685&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=PMs outbox
spice Premium
Hi Drew,

Thank You. I really do need a little assistance. Not sure what I'm doing but I can't get my PM's out of my out box. I'm new to WA , but I'm thinking that sending a pesonal message shouldn't be all that difficult. If I go to my space there are 3 messages in my outbox that I have been trying to send. What the #@#@ am I doing wrong?


spice Premium
Hi Drew,

Sure wish I would have read that forum post....LOL OH Well, I'm just glad there are friends out there to help.

Thank You soooo much

Thateldoo Premium
Oh my, I just deleted you as a buddy...sorry! But I put you back!
Thateldoo Premium
Hello Spice...! I've posted to Jamie and Drew (dimmick) that my plans for today is to set up a daily schedule to put some time into different subjects thoughout the day. Also, I'm nervous, but excited to start my Squidoo article, but I haven't come up with one yet. I have promised (see Jamie's (imapita4u) space for my promise), that today, I will come up with a subject, write my article and make my Lens on Squidoo! I'll let you know everything by tomorrow morning! I have no secrets...LOL LOL...!
Thateldoo Premium
Spice...you are a step ahead of me here! I have no clue what either of these sites are, but it won't take me long to find out. I'll PM you in a few minutes.
Thateldoo Premium
I'm taking a few days off...need to get away from the computer...Happy New Year!
spice Premium
Hi Dan,

I thought that since I was going to let you figure out squidoo for me the least I could do is be your buddy...LOL

Talk soon

spice Premium
Hi Dan,

How was your Christmas? I'm sure by now you have made quite a bit of progress. You seem like a guy that dives in and gets things done. Keep me posted. Talk soon.

spice Premium
Hey Dan,

Have you signed up on CJ or LinkShare? Looks as if I need a website URL first and of course I am now where near website ready.

spice Premium
HI Dan,

You enjoy yourself what ever you do and I'll talk to you soon.

Happy New Year!!
