
Last Update: January 21, 2012

 I just wanted to send out a big thank you to all the buddies and people that have been helping me directly and indirectly. All of you have made so many things make tons more sense! 

Good Luck to Everyone 

To the new people that have just joined, try not to be scared off by the tidal wave of information and tools that WA gives you. Take your time to sort it out, each day that you do it and don't give up-it'll make a little more sense. 

I've been a member here for a year, and have really only put a few solid months into learning. Now, the fog is clearing and I'm beginning to see how the IM picture fits together. And that I can succeed at it, too!

This is how I keep my mind in order when I start to think I'm not learning all of this fast enough. Remember how long traditional university education takes. Some professions take a decade to learn...that's 10 years of school and a ton of money! And then you have to get a job or start your own business after that. 

If you put daily effort into this like you would at post secondary school, it won't take nearly that long to make a new career for yourself as an internet marketer, but be reasonable with yourself and learn at your own pace...less chance of frustration that way. 

Just do something everyday, even if it's only one tutorial. 

It'll all add up and before you know it, something will make sense-I jumped up and shouted WOO HOO! the first time it happened. Truthfully, I still do it. :)

If you get frustrated or something is making you want to scream at your laptop (or whatever) go for a walk and come back in 20 minutes-it just might make more sense when you return.

Be active, and meet people. The more people you meet here the more you'll learn..and they are all great people! I would still be on an endless road of retail work if it weren't for the fact that I had the sense to join WA, even though I understood absolutely nothing when I joined. I just knew in my gut that this was the place to be.

I still have a long way to go but also think in pictures...I have a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle (without the picture on the box) in front of me and each day I put a few more pieces in with no expectation of knowing when the final picture will emerge but I know that it will... if I just don't quit. 

Add me to your buddy list! Happy clicking!

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Pounders Premium
Your words should really get us motivated to keep taking action everyday! I also really like the part about the jigsaw puzzle. Good reference. And makes very good sense.
muskyblood Premium
Nice. I like the jigsaw reference as well. That is a great way to put it.
lou7753 Premium
Love your analogy with the jigsaw puzzle!! Thanks for the encouraging post!
jatdebeaune Premium
I just added you to my buddies. Good attitude and so true.
Jamie Smith Premium
Great to have you in the WA family!